The Mark of a Strong Woman

I have not been following this story for too long, but a short time ago I was perusing and a woman named Joey Fleek came up.  I had never heard of her before, but her picture and a headline that had something to do with being terminally ill reeled me in.  If interested in a little back story visit here.

This week this entry goes beyond "crush" into pure admiration and awe.  Fleek has a young daughter (22 months old) and what seems to be a huge, supportive family and husband.  She's also a country singer and famous.   Unfortunately, Fleek also has terminal cervical cancer.  

Through my meager research it looks like she is at the end of a painful battle and that she has come to terms with it.  Her husband posts blogs, images and videos of the family having dance parties, doing crafts and snuggling.  Even though she is dying, they all seem determined to make it the most fun months possible.

Every picture I see of Joey is a huge smile.  I am sure she doesn't feel that way - at least all the time, but that is what she projects.  I don't even want to think about the emotions that are entangled in this good bye, but I bet she can't avoid it.  Her daughter may not be able to remember these last weeks or months, but she will have so many images and beautiful songs and writings of it.

As much as I sometimes think that the daily grind of life (working full-time, mommying full-time, cooking, cleaning, loving, etc.) is hard, it really isn't.  Saying good-bye is hard and damn she is doing it in a graceful way.

Hoping they (and all of you) have a wonderful Christmas.


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