Thank you

Just wanted to send a real genuine thank you to all our guest-posters this week.  Selfishly it was so wonderful to hear so many great things about our kids (we literally can't get enough).  Yet, more importantly it was so nice to hear a different perspective on the art of selfless love.

Sara, Laura, Erin, Jill, and Kristina - you mean the world to us and so many.

By popular demand we will soon be exploring the male perspective on mom and child-rearing issues.  Yes, we too think that this may be potentially ground-breaking.  It also may be ridiculous, but we are giving it a try anyways.

Thanks for all the love, support, new "fans" and kind words in the hallways, via text and on facebook.  We do this because we love to, but it's nice to have people along for the ride.



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