Put it in the books

It has been one of those weeks when every night I breathe and say, "I survived."

Nothing specific happened, I am just drained.

Take that back.  I made a student cry, twice, in class on Tuesday.  I felt so bad (even though he was the one totally in the wrong) that I called home, talked to mom and eventually I was the one that apologized.

So there was that.  Then also, it's December 2nd and I haven't purchased any presents.

So there's that too.

PS Colleen Here
Was about to write about surviving this week too.  Amy and I are normally on the same wavelength, but this week it is unreal.  I almost cried in class this week.  Let's get real - I did.  The weird thing is I didn't even feel it coming - it just did.  My voice cracked and my eyes watered.  I got that weird look from kids like, "shit this teacher is really going to lose it."  I recovered and journeyed on - that's what we do.  The best part is that Amy and I will probably benefit from these outbursts.  We probably bought ourselves a few days a day of peace.  Well worth it.  
PPS  One ornament down, 100 to go.  I feel kind of like that missing eyeball with no home.  WTF am I even doing this week?

PPPS I too am feeling the holiday crunch.  Any teacher I was able to say more than "hi" to today mentioned the same sentiments.  Christmas is the most joyous time of year that also makes us want to jump off a cliff.  My kids are "meeting" Santa two times this weekend.  I am shopping for four gifts for Santa to magically gift them.  Oh, I'll wrap them too.

Thanks Santa.


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