Auntie Week - Wednesday - Laura

Auntie Laura

We know Laura from her amazing guest post, but one thing you might not know is that she...... 
was first Auntie to Lucy.  Right before she was about to head back to Japan to finish out her last year abroad with her husband, I gave birth to Lucy.  She held her niece, made the connection and then hopped aboard an international flight.  Lucy always knew how to make an entrance.  I think that quick embrace must have done something - Amy always calls it "imprinting" because Lucy always talks about Auntie Wawa, even though she had been oceans away for months on end.  We are glad you are back Auntie.


Auntie Wawa

By Laura Siligato

Being an Aunt is the best job I have after being a mom.  I love my niece and nephew with all my heart.  They are so sweet and funny and adorable.  I love the sound of Lucy saying "auntie wawa, auntie wawa" when she wants to show me something.  And John's laugh is so infectious you can't help but feel happy and whole.  They are seriously the most loving, silly, smart, and fun kids and it is such an honor to be their Aunt.  I think of it as a great responsibility.  They have the best parents, but I hope to be another role model for them.  I hope they always know how loved and supported they are and how much I believe in them.  I am so lucky and blessed to be able to call myself an aunt to these two awesome kids.  (Side note to my sisters- I have more room in my heart to love any more nieces or nephews that might come along 😃). I can't wait to watch them grow -to spend the holidays and celebrate the important events with them, but also to make memories out of the every day things, like taking wagon rides, going to the park, and when they get a little older sleepovers!  

My daughter has the best cousins and I have the best niece and nephew.  

It's hard to put into words what nieces and nephews mean.  All I know is that they add so much to my life and to my daughter's and I am grateful to have them.  In fact, I am seeing them this weekend and it is what I am most looking forward to.  

With Love,     Auntie Laura


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