
Showing posts from November, 2015

What Used to be...

This may sound vain, so I need to be clear.  Yes I am making myself today's momcrush, but it's my old self so it doesn't really count. Yesterday, my timehop app sent me some pics from six years ago.  It might as well have just been from six decades ago.  Apparently Jerry and I had a party and I apparently I was doing this: How could my brother in-law be texting during my performance? So, today I am paying homage to life before being a mom.  I haven't played rock band in ages, staying up past 11 is unheard of and the parties Jerry and I have generally involve toddlers and a 7pm end time. I was a Mom to Russie, and that was more than enough at the time.  Shout out to all you fur-baby mommies - that is good, solid work with a side of still doing whatever the hell you want. PS - I wore those same jeans yesterday.  Do I need to shop or should I be proud that I still fit?

Oh Christmas Tree.

Oh Christmas Tree... Oh, Christmas Tree… what joy and fun you bring me… FOUR strands of lights later. I am no poet, I am no novelist… but I am here to tell you a story of the time it took all day to set up a Christmas tree. We purchased our Christmas Tree at 10am. We placed the first strand of lights on the tree at 11:30am We played, we snuggled, we napped at Noon. We placed the second strand of lights on the tree at 4:30pm We “asked” Colin to “help” us at 4:35pm We placed the first ornament on the tree at 4:45pm We placed the third strand of lights on the tree at 5:00pm We turned off the overhead lights at 5:15pm We placed the fourth strand of lights on the tree at 6:00pm W e removed ornaments from the bottom branches at 6:15pm Mommy places the last ornament on the tree at 6:30pm Mommy and Daddy snuggle Colin to sleep -- because we wouldn’t have it any other way . 7:00pm “For every year this Christmas tree, Brings to us such joy and glee. Oh Christma

Turkey Will Have to Wait...

Post-steroids I know Thanksgiving is about being thankful and I promise that I am, but I learned the true meaning when I spent the night in the hospital with my youngest on Thursday night. John woke up wheezing.  It went from sounding pretty gross to not bad at all.  We checked in with Dr. Julie and our own mothers and decided to lay low and get some fresh air.  He seemed better. It didn't last. After getting to our family function he worsened.  The wheezing was constant, louder and yuckier.  It dawned on me at 4 that I couldn't wait till the morning to see our doctor.  Once it clicked I was on auto-pilot.  Get me to the hospital.  A bit of juggling and a little drive later and we were there. I was worried it would be crazy because it was a holiday, but it wasn't.  The hospital took us right in.  They were lovely.  With the exception of the SCARIEST x-ray machine ever (Colin and John have both been in deserves another post entirely) it was smooth sailing.

Holiday Chaos

It's Thanksgiving week which means it's time to give thanks for all those things we normally take for granted.  I asked my sophomores what they were grateful for and I got the standard spectrum of answers (strawberry milk to God). I was impressed, however, with how many students said they are greatful (yes that's almost all students spell that damn word) for their mothers - there is HOPE! I try to stay in the moment and be thankful everyday.  Some days are better than others.  When I look at what my life was like three years ago (thanks TimeHop App) it is insane how full it has become.  I am thankful for that fullness.  At times I feel like I am at capacity, but then I realize I wouldn't have it any other way. So for today I wanted to say that I am thankful for the chaos that holiday season brings.  Sure, it may be challenging figuring out the kids' naps amidst travel, but it's worth it.  The kids may throw out their "healthy eating" I strive for e

Balancing Two

File this under #Momguilt Recently it feels like I have been spending more one on one time with Lucy.  John has been on and off with a mild sickness (rash, runny nose, general teething stuff that is enveloped in misery).  Every time I have a fun event to go to my plan is to take both.  Like last week I needed to go to school at night - and they LOVE SCHOOL.  I could only take Lucy because the baby seemed tired.  This weekend I went to a state championship volleyball game.  Awesome.  Only Lucy could go, the baby had a mild fever.  Tonight I went to the girls Powerdpuff game (GIRL POWER).  Only Lucy could make the trip. Granted she is "easier" right now.  However, when she was his age she was going to everything with me.  He is missing out. I often think she thrives on the one on one attention - don't we all?  But after adding it all up in my head I feel guilty.  Does John know that I think of him while I am there?  Does he know that I feel bad coming home (especially

#MCM -- My So Called Life

#MomCrushMonday This week our mom crush is EPIC.  SO epic that we both shared the exact same article she was interviewed for.. and then texted each other about it. We have LOVED Claire Danes since we were in Middle School.     My So Called Life spoke to us . It taught us that being different was ok, and that friends are FAMILY. It also taught us about the birds & the bees, drugs, and the dangers of boozing too hard too young. Rayanne was the cool girl, but Angela – she was all of us teenage girls…  Also – we ALL wanted a best friend like Rickie and wanted Jordan Catalano to LOVE US TOO (we still do Jared Leto.. come over ANYTIME). We loved her in Romeo + Juliet (while being secretly were jealous of her because she got to underwater kiss Leonardo DiCaprio). Homeland is our guilty pleasure. She plays a seriously flawed character, who we continue to root for. She also worked on season two until she was 8 months pregnant. She’s also super bad ass on


It's been a heavy week this week.  Illness and terrorism makes for two unhappy mommies. Finding joy on this Friday by looking at old pictures and taunting my husband.  Happy Friday all!  Enjoy every second of this weekend before the holiday whirlwind begins! Flashback to Jerry's favorite picture of me...when I ran a Road Race after  having baby number 1.  I bring it out on special occasions (boredom, general avoidance of obligations, etc.) \

A Mighty Woman with a Torch.

Thursday Thoughts 11/18 A Mighty Woman with a Torch. Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" The New Colossus By: Emma Lazarus Emma Lazarus wrote the above poem and it is inscribed upon the beautiful Statue of Liberty.  This past week, I have thought about this poem many many times.  In fact, I thought about the Statue of Liberty many times

Five Things I Thought I'd Never Do

Continuing Amy's tradition . Five Things I Thought I'd Never Do 1.   Go out in public with eye liner on only one eye. The only thing worse is not realizing it until you get home after finishing numerous errands.  New trend?  I don't recommend it. 2.   Perpetually getting to work with one minute to spare.   I used to get in approximately in an hour before class began to get prepared.  I'd play music, keep my door closed, get copies if I needed and, in general, energize myself for the day.  Now I am speed walking through the parking lot grabbing onto my coffee for dear life. A line of kids at my door.  I am now "that teacher." 3.   Look at my hair in the mirror and decide "Yea, I can push it another month." It's been 3 months already, but I can let these dark roots shine (as in appear dull, lifeless and the beginning stages of gray).  But yes, it's not falling out so it can wait.  I have only time to do the necessary fashion updates

50 Reasons We Love Drew

Shameless I know.  I can't turn anything away with the name Lucy in it.  Ever. I am reading Drew Barrymore's memoir right now (Wildflower).  She has lead a pretty amazing life (not all of which has been wonderful or easy).  Her conversational writing style is throwing me off a bit, but she says some really extraordinary things.  She is a mother of two girls - still babies really:  Frankie and Olive (no it doesn't get cuter than that..except maybe "Forgetful Lucy"). She intersperses tales of her past with that of her current life.  After giving birth to her second daughter she recounts:  "Was I going to cower in this room when this kid, this new beautiful baby, needs me?  Hell no.  I got up, so sore and groggy, and picked up my baby Taurus.  And I kissed her face over and over.  I vowed, just as I did with Olive, that I would always be her warrior.  I am their Pisces mother.  Mother of dragons! I am strong.  I have learned." A) I too am I Pisce

Weekly Roundup!

You want to know what a fun weekend morning looks like??? Here is it!! Yesterday, I work up with Colin and we came downstairs to play while we let Daddy sleep in.  Brian has been on Mommy/Daddy duty a lot lately with my kidney breakdown, Saturday Academy, and late Powder Puff practice. We appreciate and totally understand his need to catch a few extra Zzz's!  Colin and I must have read and put away each of these books about 500 times!  What you can't see is that I created a huge pile of blankets for us to snuggle in while we read!  It was the best two hours! Colin was calm, happy, and very snuggly.  THIS is the product of our happiness and memories.  (p.s.  if you want to know where Spot is.. just ask me.. because I can find him with my eyes closed!  Literally)     Now, before we let you go back to your #SundayFunday here's a few things from Colleen & I!   We have some awesome things coming up these next few weeks!   -- Our Salute to Au

PPBoys stole my heart!

PPBoys stole my heart! <3 A cheerleader I am not.  In fact, I am terrible at all sports.  If you have ever participated in the Turkey Bowl then you know this for a FACT (sidenote:  FRIENDS -- we need to decide on a turkey bowl date!) A few years back, as the ruler of all things positive at Platt (the school where I work), I was asked to help coach the Powder Puff Boys Cheerleading squad (aka -- PPBoys).  Yuuuuup.  Me.   I still laugh at the idea, especially now as I’m in the middle of PPBoys season! Three years later -- I’m still at it. You need to know this though…..THIS is my absolute FAVORITE part of the year.  I love every single second of the day this time of year.  I know that no matter how bad my day went, how exhausted I am from teaching a full day -- I get two hours after school with the peppiest (yep.. that’s a word!), nicest, cooooolest boys in town!     Oh -- you don’t know what PPBoys do?  PPBoys are the cheerleaders during the Girls PowderPuff Footb

Transitions -- Amy Style

Transitions  11/2014 - the last day of my maternity leave. I’m probably the WORST person to talk about transition.  I’m terrible at it.  It’s not even that I “hate change”  I’m just terrible at life during a time of change. I have always felt like I am cut from a different cloth than many of the people around me.  I honestly don’t even know how to explain what that means… or I didn’t until I had Colin.  I was VERY nervous to give birth.  I was terrified of the pain (horrifying, and NO you don’t “forget” the pain after you see the baby).  I was terrified of having a c-section (worst fear realized… because that’s exactly what I had), and I was terrified of post-partum (check again.. but that’s a WHOLE other post).  Colin changed everything about how I saw the world, but it took me a very long time for me to realize that he made me a better version of myself.   I read a LOT of mommy blogs, and forums, and books, and saw tv shows, and movies, and heard songs, and read poems,

Transitions - Working Moms

My sister touched upon some transitions her family is currently working through.  She really struck a cord when talking about going back to work.  She's lucky to start off slowly by doing part-time ( bitch - sorry - not sorry), yet the transition will certainly have a huge emotional impact. Lucy transitioned to her big girl bed a couple weeks ago. As per usual she adapted easily.  My "miss independent." Via Facebook, I have recently seen a wave of friends and acquaintances who have new babies and who are returning to work.  Seeing their posts brought back the feelings I experienced when returning to work last year and the year before that. When a mom announces it's time for her personal paradise maternity leave to end and daycare to begin I feel strong pangs in my heart.  Those first days, weeks and months of tearing yourself away from feedings, nap times, homemaking and love in order to get back in the classroom, the cubicle, the desk seems unnatural.  I docu

Guest Post - Transitions

First Guest Post EVER!  From Laura Siligato Motherhood feels like a constant series of transitions.  You really never know what to expect day to day.  I have often found myself thinking, “ok, we are in a routine” only to find the next day my daughter begins some new stage and the “routine” I thought we found is gone.  If you aren’t working on nap time or bedtime transitions, you are getting off the bottle, or the paci, or working on skills like using a spoon, bathing, or tying their own shoes.  Moms with older kids- does this ever end?!?! Although it can be frustrating to always feel like things are changing and you can’t keep up with your kid, when they finally learn that new skill, or are out of the naptime transition, isn’t is awesome?  You know, that one day when things are great and your kid is just super sweet and you feel like mom of the year.  That ONE day is awesome!  I live for that day before the next transition starts.    As a new mom I have been dealing with t

#MomCrushMonday - Sisterly Love

My Japanese niece  Super Moms don't have to be famous (Amy and I would prefer to be moms who are famous..actually no..we prefer to be famous people that just happen to be moms, but we are coming to terms with our lot).  I love one Mom a lot.  In fact I've loved her since she was born. My sister, Laura, is a real hero of a mom.  She gave birth in a foreign country and raised my beautiful niece for nearly a year without any family help.  When I say foreign I don't mean England - you know just a quick flight away - I mean JAPAN.  In order to even chat with our mom or me or anyone else of significance there would be a 13 hour difference.   Being a brand-new mom is one of the most challenging "first days of work" I can imagine.  When you are doing it for the first time (or any time) and you don't have others to truly depend on because they are simply unavailable it adds a whole other level.  Add to that the fact that she was immersed in an entire different cu

Full-time Working Mama Working Out

Mystic Road Race 2015 - Day after Halloween.  I barely survived.  Amy hit on something real last week.  Moms often put themselves last.  For Amy that meant denying/not worrying about/overall avoiding a kidney infection.  Ehh, no big deal right? Always, Amy and I put our kids first (Colin, John and Lucy), but also the 100+ student kids we see everyday.  If I was able to do everything I wanted to do for all of them I would never sleep and would eventually be committed, so instead I focus on doing as much as I can with the time I have.  I try to save the best of me for my kids and give things like cleaning, errands and other superfluous but mandatory mom duties just "capable me".  So far so good.  I am still alive and my kids at school always still ask me "why are you always so happy?".  Quick answer - "because it's all good." One thing I try never to give up is my workout.  I have realized over the past 10 years that in terms of stress relief and

When It's...

When it's 70 degrees in November and you live in New England you: 1.  Go bare foot 2.  Get rid of the coat 3.  Get a sled 4.  Make your mom pull you into leaf piles and up and down hills until she screams for mercy. 5. Laugh with glee. What joy second-hand gifts can bring. Happy Friday all!  Enjoy, rest and refresh (or if you're like Amy and me - play, create, laugh, grade, plan, workout, catch up with people you ignored all week, prep for Monday, prep for Christmas and finish it all of with a bottle glass of wine). #TGIF

Five Things I Never Thought I'd Say...

Five Things I NEVER Thought I'd Say.... until I became a Mom. Five Things I Never Thought I'd Say... Five Things I NEVER Thought I'd Say....  until I became a Mom. 5.  Let me taste one of those cheerios  to see if they're stale. This is clearly in reference to the large amount of cheerios in and around my son's car seat. He likes them to be in his cup holder, and so that's where I stash them. Today, for some reason, he got great joy in shoving Cheerio's in my mouth as I was buckling him in.  Cheerios   is making a killing from our household! I buy at least two boxes a week. I think at least one ends up in the backseat of my car! :) 4.  How did you get a dinosaur in your diaper? I admit we were playing with our mini dinosaurs for multiple seconds today before we moved on to a new activity..(taking all of the books off the bookshelf.. the same books that we just put ON the bookshelf)... And so in the 35 seconds we were playing with b