Weekly Roundup!

You want to know what a fun weekend morning looks like???
Here is it!!

Yesterday, I work up with Colin and we came downstairs to play while we let Daddy sleep in.  Brian has been on Mommy/Daddy duty a lot lately with my kidney breakdown, Saturday Academy, and late Powder Puff practice. We appreciate and totally understand his need to catch a few extra Zzz's! 

Colin and I must have read and put away each of these books about 500 times!  What you can't see is that I created a huge pile of blankets for us to snuggle in while we read!  It was the best two hours! Colin was calm, happy, and very snuggly.  THIS is the product of our happiness and memories.  (p.s.  if you want to know where Spot is.. just ask me.. because I can find him with my eyes closed!  Literally)
Now, before we let you go back to your #SundayFunday here's a few things from Colleen & I! 
We have some awesome things coming up these next few weeks!
-- Our Salute to Aunties is fast approaching!   Keep your eyes peeled for the dates!
-- We have an AWESOME #MomCrushMonday like super awesome!
-- We have another #FiveThings list for you to enjoy, laugh with us, & say "oh my gosh that's so me" with us!
-- It's PowderPuff Game week! Amy will have pictures and stories and of course her regularly scheduled
-- Lastly -- don't forget about us on +Instagram (@TeachMeHowToMommy)  and +Twitter  
                  (@TeachMeHowToMom) are where it's at in between our regular postings! 
                 We would love to hear from you!  Feel free to Tag us in anything you think we
                  might enjoy! 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


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