Turkey Will Have to Wait...

I know Thanksgiving is about being thankful and I promise that I am, but I learned the true meaning when I spent the night in the hospital with my youngest on Thursday night.

John woke up wheezing.  It went from sounding pretty gross to not bad at all.  We checked in with Dr. Julie and our own mothers and decided to lay low and get some fresh air.  He seemed better.

It didn't last.

After getting to our family function he worsened.  The wheezing was constant, louder and yuckier.  It dawned on me at 4 that I couldn't wait till the morning to see our doctor.  Once it clicked I was on auto-pilot.  Get me to the hospital.  A bit of juggling and a little drive later and we were there.

I was worried it would be crazy because it was a holiday, but it wasn't.  The hospital took us right in.  They were lovely.  With the exception of the SCARIEST x-ray machine ever (Colin and John have both been in it..it deserves another post entirely) it was smooth sailing.  Turns out John had the croup - a bad case.  The breathing treatments and steroids helped, but he wasn't responding like he should.  We needed to spend the night for observation.

The doctors were so comforting that I felt ok.  After having a brief (hour and a half long) roid-rage John passed out.  The crib was warm and comfortable.

Down the hall I heard crying, moaning and the shuffling of feet.  I knew John was sick, but I quickly understood that he wasn't as sick as those we were sharing the hall with.  I was dealing "ok", but how the hell were those parents doing it?  I felt like this was a freak trip for me...but what if it wasn't?

John is doing much better today.  The doctor said he is over his peak and every day he will get better.

Jerry said I earned another "parent stripe" that night.  The ability to say, "remember that Thanksgiving that I took you to the hospital and we spent the night?" I guess he's right, but this is one I would've passed on.  Needless to say when we got back home and I had time to check in with social media, I was a little jealous of everyone else's drama free, healthy, happy turkey days.  Maybe next year...
When you spend the night in the hospital and all you want is to see your "Lucy" and all she wants is the donut dad bought her on the way.


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