Full-time Working Mama Working Out

Mystic Road Race 2015 - Day after Halloween.  I barely survived. 
Amy hit on something real last week.  Moms often put themselves last.  For Amy that meant denying/not worrying about/overall avoiding a kidney infection.  Ehh, no big deal right?

Always, Amy and I put our kids first (Colin, John and Lucy), but also the 100+ student kids we see everyday.  If I was able to do everything I wanted to do for all of them I would never sleep and would eventually be committed, so instead I focus on doing as much as I can with the time I have.  I try to save the best of me for my kids and give things like cleaning, errands and other superfluous but mandatory mom duties just "capable me".  So far so good.  I am still alive and my kids at school always still ask me "why are you always so happy?".  Quick answer - "because it's all good."

One thing I try never to give up is my workout.  I have realized over the past 10 years that in terms of stress relief and overall confidence, I need to workout.  It's not really optional, because otherwise I am unhappy.  I like to feel well and and can't deal with the guilt I put on myself when I take a few days off.

Once I had kids I had to change my usual routine (no trips to the gym anymore...how I can I leave my kids after I've left them to work?).  So I stick to running and videos.  I try to do it with the kids so that we are doing things together.  A lot of the times my workouts aren't actually that great, but I make sure I get something done every day.

I don't think my way is the only way.  In fact, I know bet other moms are way better at these things than I am.  But I do think it's important to do something for your body.  I plan to be around so I can take care of my grandkids (stay at home grandma...a new term I am coining and using as my lifetime goal).  I need all my joints and muscles still working.

What do you do to stay sane?


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