Transitions - Working Moms

My sister touched upon some transitions her family is currently working through.  She really struck a cord when talking about going back to work.  She's lucky to start off slowly by doing part-time (bitch - sorry - not sorry), yet the transition will certainly have a huge emotional impact.

Lucy transitioned to her big girl bed a couple weeks ago.
As per usual she adapted easily.  My "miss independent."
Via Facebook, I have recently seen a wave of friends and acquaintances who have new babies and who are returning to work.  Seeing their posts brought back the feelings I experienced when returning to work last year and the year before that. When a mom announces it's time for her personal paradise maternity leave to end and daycare to begin I feel strong pangs in my heart.  Those first days, weeks and months of tearing yourself away from feedings, nap times, homemaking and love in order to get back in the classroom, the cubicle, the desk seems unnatural.  I documented these emotions quite obsessively on my previous blog (shout out fans - the few that ever there were).

But, I also feel an inner sense of relief.  Another one added to our team.  It's time to join the club - the working moms club.  Our club is not better than the stay at home moms...a lot of us wish we could be a full-time, permanent, VIP member of that group, but it is our club, our lot, our destiny.  We will do night feedings and pee pee wake-ups for months and years.  We will wake up every morning and make ourselves professionally presentable only to be spit up on minutes before leaving.  We will muddle through work by looking at our baby's pictures and obsessively checking in with their caretakers.  We will sometimes enjoy some separate space, but ultimately be speeding to get you after the bell rings.

The transition will not be easy.  I feel it every Sunday night.  But it does get easier.

It does get easier.

For now, I welcome you all with open arms.  Even if you didn't quite want the membership, we need you.  I promise you that - we need you.


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