Five Things I Thought I'd Never Do

Continuing Amy's tradition.

Five Things I Thought I'd Never Do

1.  Go out in public with eye liner on only one eye.
The only thing worse is not realizing it until you get home after finishing numerous errands.  New trend?  I don't recommend it.

2.  Perpetually getting to work with one minute to spare.  
I used to get in approximately in an hour before class began to get prepared.  I'd play music, keep my door closed, get copies if I needed and, in general, energize myself for the day.  Now I am speed walking through the parking lot grabbing onto my coffee for dear life. A line of kids at my door.  I am now "that teacher."

3.  Look at my hair in the mirror and decide "Yea, I can push it another month."
It's been 3 months already, but I can let these dark roots shine (as in appear dull, lifeless and the beginning stages of gray).  But yes, it's not falling out so it can wait.  I have only time to do the necessary fashion updates (brushing my teeth and washing my current (old) wardrobe).

4. Buy dish detergent on Amazon.
I thought it would be faster to get it through my Amazon prime rather than get to the store.  This is a basic truth I have come to terms with. Anyways, Amazon loves me, my mailman not so much.

5.  Cancelled my Howard Stern subscription.
When I had Lucy we looked at ways to "cut corners."  Howard was one of the few things to go.  Couldn't really justify listening to him in the car with her with me and she is ALWAYS with me.  Holy shit I just read that back.  I. AM. SO. OLD.  My current "favorite" Pandora station is Toddler Music...enough said.


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