The Elmo Paradox

What am I to do..... (sit down, get wine, I have a lot of say)

I accepted the fact that this whole parenting thing was out of my control the moment I heard the words c-section.. (ok maybe not the moment I heard.... but you know what I mean).  But that was the moment I had to understand that sometimes our children require us to do the one thing we never thought we'd do.  (Compromise #1:  Scalpel Please)

Famous Last Words
I never thought I'd give my baby a pacifier... In fact, that was a huge deal for me... and it took a while after Colin was born to change my mind.  Of course, looking back, the pacifier saved our lives....  (Note to self:  write a blog about how and why I changed my mind)

But the second thing that I really comprised was "Screen Time".

Maternity leave was amazing (after I got over my tears and fears) I spent a lot of time bonding with Colin, making silly music videos with him (I hope I saved them... they're pretty epic), going on LOTS of play dates, and of course... catching up on all the Netflix shows while Colin napped, or I fed him!  (Revenge, Scandal, House of Lies... Old Seasons of Housewives.... to name a few).

But, right around when I went back to work is when I noticed he started "seeing" the TV.  The lights, the noises.  I had read all of the WARNINGS! and articles, and Facebook postings... NO TV UNTIL THE AGE OF TWO....

The Rules
Two years is a long time!

Two realllllly long years of reading "Dinosaur Roar" over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over................

I actually totally understand the "rule".  I get it all:  Our kids need stimulation, They need to learn how to play, They need to run around!  I'm a teacher, I GET IT.  But isn't Sesame Street educational?

All joking aside, I really did not want Colin exposed to too much TV... I really thought I could make it...    Once I went back to work, my time with him was limited; there were feedings and pumping, lunches to make, dinner to be served and any extra time I had I wanted to be spent with Colin...

I don't fault ANYONE who can get through their days with a toddler without an Elmo break, or who don't know the theme song to Daniel Tiger.  I was that Mom.  I wish I still was!!!

But, Colin is rambunctious.  and yes I know, boys will be boys... but I've seen Colin with other boys, he's got even MORE energy than them.  He's  sweet, and lovable, and he is the energizer bunny.  I've also heard and seen the "notes" on his days at daycare. The kid doesn't stop. Did I use this as an excuse... who knows, hindsight is 20/20, but I know that the ONLY time Colin is still for more than a moment is during Tiger Time or Elmo Time.

Daniel Tiger
Daniel Tiger saved me.
I don't know how I found him.  I think it was the end of the school year, I was exhausted, I needed a break, and I thought... just one show... and so I went to PBS.
I thought I'd get lucky and Sesame Street would be on.. but instead it was a show called Daniel Tiger -- Daniel Tiger is a cartoon based off of Mister Rogers.  It teaches acceptance, manners, friendship... it's adorable, it uses songs -- and I love it --

So, essentially this  is where we started, and this is my compromise. For 20 minutes, Colin. Sat. Still.     
I didn't realize it for a few moments, but he was totally relaxed.  He was leaning back against me, his breathing slowed... he was "chillllllled out".

I told Brian about this magic moment in time.  I was finally able to get a snuggle in with our "little" guy.
I also felt immense guilt!  It was my rule, I was adamant about it, NO TV for Colin... Shouldn't I be laying on the floor coloring with Colin? (by the way, he hated coloring)... Could I have entertained him with a new book? Should I have made a fort and played peek-a-boo?
I broke -- I needed a moment.... Brian and I talked about it, A LOT, and we realized that Colin seemed to really enjoy this time hanging with mom and dad.

Daniel Tiger is still a favorite, but Sesame Street/ELMO are the current household favorites.  Colin LOVES the songs they sing, he LOVEEESSSS the Count, he loves seeing Big Bird, and BONUS, he's learning..

And so, I justify it... Some days we watch no TV.... in fact most days.  Other days we sneak an episode in the morning, and the evening....  Let it be said that he loves reading his books about Elmo just as much as he likes seeing him on the TV.  But he also really loves snuggling on the couch with his blankie and his Elmo and watching the characters from his book come to life!


Never say Never.
Compromise is probably the most important thing that being a parent continues to teach me.
Saying "I'll NEVER do that"  had to be removed my from language.
I'm just a mom, trying to survive.......



  1. Each child is different...being a loving flexible mommy is what makes you such a great mom. Let go of the guilt, hold onto to the quiet times together...and by the way, I am coming over for a visit...

  2. I can SO relate to this Amy. We worked really hard for no tv for Lucy. We just recently started introducing it. In some ways I love it..we relax a bit more and I know she learns from it. Also, it makes my life easier sometimes. I can actually play with John or I can get something done around the house. I still hate the idea of using tv to "keep my kids busy." That's my job. I always say..well what did they do in the 1800s? Who the Hell knows? Maybe I should just be happy we were born when we were...I'd be going crazy if I had to wash clothes with a board. LOVE YOU and ELMO!


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