Mirror Mirror...

It's four o'clock on Monday, of course it's time for dress-up.  Lucy hasn't asked to put her princess clothes on in awhile.  I think maybe our red carpet coverage of the Golden Globes may have put her in the mood.

I have dinner to start, dishes to get out of the sink and two phone calls to return.  I also have a son who is so disinterested in dresses that he has placed himself on my lap with a truck book (it's the third time I have read it to him in the last 20 minutes..this is not a lie).  But of course my answer is "yes, we are absolutely playing dress up right now."

It was fun for about 15 minutes (getting to be a record in my house).  As any other proud mommy would I snapped pictures of my Lou in her frilly, ridiculous, sequenced gowns (thanks Elysia for the recital clothes).  

The hubbub of dinner, dad coming home and a few tears quickly erased this moment of girliness, but later when I looked back on the pictures some of them struck me... 

How did she get so big?  How did she learn to put her outfits (even complicated ones) on by herself?  How does she know how to pose and look at her body from all different angles?

I know she learned it from me.  I am so hoping I am showing her the "right" way to look at herself.  I mean to look at herself and appreciate all her features - that perfect nose, those long, sturdy legs, that healthy tummy.  I want her to love what she sees as much as I do when I look at her.  

I have discovered a new appreciation for my own body -especially after giving birth to two kids, but I know I don't always look at it that way.  I focus on things I can't fix or things that have bothered me since I first became aware of different body types (you know...pre-adolescence). 

How do I keep her from doing the same?

As with teaching, I know modeling behavior is the best tool I've got.  So starting today I choose to love me and all my imperfections -  heck without this body there would be no Lucy.

#truebeauty #girlpower #girltime #IloveLucy


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