Mr. Mom

Image result for mr. mom
Saturday night I came across that 80s movie Mr. Mom.  You know with Michael Keeton?  His wife gets a job and he can't so he takes over mom duties.  I am not ruining anything when I say that things don't go well (until eventually he gets the swing of things).  I've seen it before, but now that I am mom I think I really "got it."  

I made a joke to Jerry like, "looks a lot like how it would go for you if I had long hours and left you home to be mom."  He got a bit defensive and said no it wouldn't.  I agreed easily.  He probably wouldn't sit around watching soap operas, he likely wouldn't feed my kids cans of chili, and I also don't think he would lose my kids in a grocery store.

But then this happened:

I had a bridal shower to go to on Sunday and I was gone for a couple hours (mind you I made all the food before I left and had deep cleaned everything).  This is what I walked into.  My kids were hiding in the "fort" and football was blaring the background.  Let's just say that this is not usually how the 3pm hour looks in my house.

But the kids were happy.  They had lots to tell me and apparently 10 books were read while I was gone (like that's why they are all spread out there right?).

After we cleaned (you know while Lucy sings the clean up song and Jerry and I put everything away), I felt a lot better and realized that time with Dad can be messy, fun and awesome.

Until this:

Then Jerry admitted to me that a plant fell over, crashed and was nearly destroyed.  But don't worry he fixed it.  He found an old dog bowl and recreated my little piece of nature.  

Thanks Mr. Mom for helping me realize Dads are awesome in their own way and that even on my bad days I can still probably manage not to put a plant in a dog bowl.


  1. Mr. Mom! What a fabulous movie! Go Jerry for the excellent fort! I love forts! :) xoxo Colin, Amy, & Brian


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