Determined Not to #Momfail

Amy's post reminded me that I have a book that I purchased in preparation for a long, cold winter.  Knock on wood we have been lucky.  The kids and I were outside throughout much of December and only now (Februaryish) do we actually have snow on the ground.  I will take this weather any day.  Flashbacks of last year make me shudder.

Anyways, I bought this book "The Toddler's Busy Book."  I breezed through it when I didn't quite
need it (fall) and then I forgot about it.  It's hard to remember all those good things you do.  Like when I went on a rampage hiding Christmas toys for days in hopes of retrieving them on days that the kids got bored.  I still can't freaking find them all.  When I was pregnant I definitely walked around with my brain not connected to my body.  I thought it was hormonal.  I do similar things now but can't blame it it's just "mom brain."

I just looked through it again and I am bit relieved because I have done some things with them already.  But I am looking for some stuff that is going to keep my kids occupied (but also near me because I am selfish and I want their love without having to deal with fights or holding them while I am cooking) for that 4:30-5:00 hour.  I also don't want to add to the cleaning that I already have to do.  I also don't want a lot of prep.  I also don't want to have to buy a lot of ingredients.  I also don't want it to be anything that John will eat.  I also want it to be fun.  I also want it to look like I am an awesome, creative mom.

I think I found it:

STICKY FEET:  My next plan is to buy contact paper (they sell that on Amazon right?) and make a whole "carpet runner" out of it.  At first I hope they get a giggle out of stepping on it (and getting stuck?) and then I'll give them all sorts of shit to stick on to it.  Like maybe make a Lucy side and a John side.  Trucks and trains, figurines and ponies?  Could I go as far as putting arts and crafts on there and making a mural?  What about numbers and letters?

The possibilities are endless.  If this project is anything like other projects that I have gotten way too excited about then it will be a disappointment, but a girl can hope right?

Feet painting two weeks ago.  30 minutes prep, 15 minutes of actual activity,
an hour worth of clean up.  Lots of fun though!


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