Making the Best Of...

5 minute before a major melt-down
Last night I started to get the "back to school jitters."  I am not going back to work until Thursday (thank you God), but I am already nervous.  The whole family has gotten into a new schedule.  We wake up watch one "little show" (Lucy's words) and then do breakfast, toys, art, etc., repeat throughout the day.  Even though they have both been sick throughout much of vacation we tried to make home time, the best time.

Jerry went back today  - I think he was both relieved and depressed.  The norm has involved lots of lounging time, and who has time for that in the new year?

We tried to go out with a bang and went jumping for a couple hours - or until John had a meltdown.  It was fun for us all.

I am oh so grateful for the time this vacation has given me to be able to nurse my babies back to health.  I wish we could've done half of what I had originally planned, but I am so glad to have had the time to recoup together.

Hoping 2016 brings good health and much happiness to all of our readers.

Pure joy and two seconds away from no socks and every germ that
 ever existed on her beautiful feet,


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