Honest Mom Crush

I am always amazed at moms who admit their flaws.  I do to a degree, but I know I hold back.  Then there are others...others who preach about  their issues so that everyone else can feel better about themselves.  What better gift can you give a new mom than the reassurance that other people have been there and have probably felt or done worse?

I am truly in awe.

I am big into podcasts.  I listen to them while I grade, while I plan, when I workout and when I am alone.  Yes, this equates to mere minutes a day, but it's something.  I listen to one called Death Sex and Money (it's not as scandalous as it sounds).  This week Brooke Sheilds was on talking about her new book and the issue of Post Partem Depression came up.  I didn't personally have PPD, but her description made me empathize and understand it better. How hard must it have been for her to be one of the first "famous" people to admit to feeling sad after giving birth?

Hayden Panettiere cleavage

Just saw this pic of Hayden Penettiere.  She too was open about PPD and her treatment.  It baffles me how someone so young could be so courageous.  Anyways, she looks happy (not to mention beautiful).  I really admire her.  Also, if you haven't seen her hubby (or her baby's father) do yourself a favor and google it.  I am not sure how they make it work, but damn I am curious!


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