To a toddler there is no such thing as Namaste.

Whew!  What a busy weekend!

This is as centered as Colin gets... scribbling onthe waiver forms....And yes... that is a Nirvana shirt...  because he'scooler than I am, and that's what rock stars wear!
Colleen and I kicked off our Saturday morning with a little Mommy & Me Yoga session!  Our recent guest poster Kelly (you can read her post here, and check out her blog here) invited us to her one day only CT class!  Colleen and I both though, yesss!  Babies and Yoga, what could go wrong..... oh wait.. we don't have babies...  so instead we brought our Toddlers.

The other mommies and their gorgeous babies looked ethereal, centered, calm..... They were bonding, Kelly was effortlessly guiding them, and they were all graceful enough to laugh with us (we think) at the crazy kids we brought along.  The other mothers had babies under 5 months old... when they get bigger they will fondly refer to those months as the Golden Era... the era when the babies cry, they poop, they sleep, they eat... but they DO NOT RUN.

I apologized profusely throughout, and I actually almost started crying at the end because my expectations of Colin's behavior were crushed... (I should probably write about this more....)

Colin and John are not exactly meant for Yoga (well John is more so than Colin... Colleen might have done 3 poses to my combined total of ONE)

Together they redecorated the entire studio -- they really loved the HUGE bouncy balance balls, and staring at themselves in the mirror, and playing with the gift that Colleen brought for Kelly's son Gus... they did not love sitting still or holding their poses.

Colin found creative ways to disrupt the calm and glorious bubble of yoga in ways I didn't know possible.  But then he'd do something so darn cute (like wave HI to himself in the mirrors) and I would melt (in a pile of sweat from chasing after him).

Kelly was perfection; she didn't even blink an eye when Colin ran by her 400 times at top speeds while she was holding a perfect tree pose (while also cradling a glorious babe!).  Her voice never wavered, and honestly, next time your around town.. I will be your first customer -- minus the toddler -- I promise!  

Maybe it's just my child who is not meant for yoga...  but it was lovely, and Colleen and I sure got our workout in! :o)  Next time we'll come alone, ready to hold our poses, and stay on our mats!

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 As we were leaving our boys found a bucket of chalk and a chalkboard... this kept them quiet, busy, and interacting with each other while Colleen & I said our goodbyes and packed up.... how did we not spot that as soon as we arrived.

Hope everyone has an amazing week!
One week closer to Spring, Summer, and Flip Flops!


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