Das Boot? Part II

This is the waiting room at the clinic Brian and I were at yesterday. 

In reflecting (and in re-writing this post 3 times) I've understood that I don't need to re-hash the past, but I think it's worth talking about a bit...

What upset Brian and I so much was the treatment towards the young boy who created the drawing on the board.  We watched his grandmother belittle the staff at the Urgent Care Center, and then belittle her grandson.  It hurt my heart.  He was so proud of his design, he had an entire plan for what he was creating, he used the word "suspension bridge" in describing the picture to her... and her response was "why are you even doing that" and "you are making a mess" and "you shouldn't do it like that".  He was not making a mess; he was playing nicely, he wasn't on a tablet or smartphone, he was being creative and was very proud of what he created!

I was conflicted... do I say something?  Do I tell him I think it's cool and impressive?  Do I tell the lady she is lucky our destructive toddler wasn't with us (because then I'd have let him free in her direction).. I didn't end up saying anything... now, of course, I wish I had.
You could feel the boy's pride get sucked out of the room. 
It was a teacher-life moment.  The teacher and mom in me wanted to jump in and compliment, ask questions, encourage.  But this wasn't my family.  This wasn't my battle.  I had to stay silent.

I was quickly called into see the Doctor and these two were suck from our lives. 
When we left the office, they were no longer in the waiting room,
but his drawing was left displayed, so I took a picture.  He'll never know I took the picture.  But I will.  and I will use it as a reminder to encourage my spirited child, to compliment my students hard work, to question and show interest. 
 But most of all (to use the words of Teresa Guidice), I will just continue to love, love, love


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