Guest Post: New Mom Doing it All, and Yoga

A beautiful post from a dear friend, Kelly Peterson.  Enjoy all!

After three months of exclusively being together, Gus and I parted ways as my maternity leave was over.  We 
had gone to baby yoga, library story hour, to the beach, and on many walks! We spent our days playing, napping, cuddling, and occasionally doing housework. I never wanted this day to come, but I knew it was inevitable. I would go back to my second graders and Gus would go to daycare. Leaving Gus was probably one of the hardest things I have ever done, and I'll admit it, I spent 75% of my day crying (which was more than him but he cried a lot too). But you know what???? We both totally survived. My pediatrician once told me that the secret to parenthood is doing whatever it takes for your whole family to survive. Obviously within reason... I like to think of that when sleepless nights come, just survive. 

This was the last picture of my maternity leave... Or the first day of school for the Gus man. 

Below you will find some of my back to work and finding a daycare advice not backed by any research, but just some things to think about:

Find a daycare close to work so you can see your babes sooner even if it means a car ride together, you are still together. 

Go to a place that you feel comfortable with no matter the cost. It is well worth the peace of mind.

Find a daycare that lets you check in and sends you texts! There's nothing like getting the "he pooooooped" text on your pumping break --- Along with that be sure you are ready to handle any updates even ones that say he is crying uncontrollably and asking for advice. Not having the advice is the hardest part!  

Take lots of videos on the weekends, if you are pumping, so when you are sitting awkwardly on the floor with students running around outside your room you can concentrate on making milk for your little baby bean! 

Know that dropping him off everyday is going to be hard. 90% of the time I get back in my car and cry. But the giant smile you get when you pickup at the end of the day, makes it a little better. 

We chose a multiage setting for Gus. Seeing the other kids playing with him in photos or at pick up is pretty awesome! It's fun to think he already has friends. 

(Gus and Daphne are 5 weeks apart and have been hanging out since they were in their moms' bellies.)

Gus and I have survived the first 5 weeks away from each other. We got through the first complete all nighter, (those were much more fun in college), we both managed to overcome the first daycare cold, he is successfully now taking a bottle (this will need a whole other post... stay tuned), and I have found myself more comfortable in the "part of the day" second grade teacher role and "part of the day" mom role. But don't get me wrong, I am still bursting out of the school doors as soon as the bell rings! Someone once told me "the days are long, but the weeks are short." I like that saying. 19 weeks until summer vacation, but who's counting ;). 

"When your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme." - Jiminy Cricket


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