Rain Rain.. GO AWAY

Welcome to Wednesday.

I got a text just as I was starting to gather my things to pick up Colin.

This is what I got:

Yup... That's my car...

This is actually the "good" side.  The drivers side was water half way up the door!
I climbed in the backseat, reached over and my prayed that the car turn on.  

It was the longest moment of my life. NOT because of my car not starting (it took two times to actually turn over), NOT because my legs were soaked up to my knees, NOT because of the busload of students laughing at me (I'll remember that when you all ask me for extra credit at the end of the semester!!)....
It was Mom Guilt. Mom Questions.  Mom Brain Overload!
Here are some questions that crossed my mind as I ran in a FULL SPRINT across the front lawn of the school in the pouring rain.... 

What if I hadn't stayed later than usual to catch up on grading..
What if I wasn't (5 minutes) late this morning and had gotten a better parking spot...
What if my car doesn't turn on, who will get Colin?  (Brian works late on Weds nights)
Where are my car keys... (I really hope they aren't on my desk...)
Where is my phone, I clearly need to take a picture for the blog (I really hope it's not on my desk)
What will Brian say if my car doesn't turn on... probably that I shouldn't park over storm drains
I'm such an idiot...  (not a question...I know)
Who is watching me?? I can feel their evil eyes!
Why are there so many students here still (watching.... laughing....)!

Needless to day... it all worked out.
No need for Panic.. but as I was driving to daycare I thought about it, it wasn't that serious of a problem, I wasn't even as worried as I make it seem... But I can't be the only one whose brain goes to the worst... and then start to figure out the angles...  Babies, Kids, Pets all throw a wrench in our adult lives.  Brian (and basically everyone I know) always tell me to stop worrying... but I think, who else will worry if I don't... 
We have to make decisions as Mom's.  Many many Many many MANY MANY MANY teeeeny tinnny decisions all the time.  That is the hardest part about becoming a parent; learning how to make those decisions, learning what decisions matter most, learning what decisions don't matter (and passing them off to our significant others)... 

In the grand scheme of things this was nothing... but if you ever wanted a peek into a minuscule part of a mom brain here you go.
And if you didn't: at least you can laugh at the idea of my impromptu swim session in the parking lot of Platt.

(any and ALL random letters or spelling errors are courtesy of Colin.. I thought he was sitting nicely on my lap as I type this.. turns out he was secretly munching of chips... hahaha this kid!)



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