Mom Issues in Arctic Temps

Both kids aren't feeling that great so the fun plans I had scheduled for weeks were dashed.  I'm on vacation, so I should've known that someone would be sick and we would be hunkered down for

Anyways, thought that they were up to going to Barnes and Noble to get a book for vacation.  Forty dollars later, it was a good decision.

Even though I waited around in the morning for potty time and breakfast, of course as soon as we walk in John had to go number 2.  No problem...I brought my backpack and I was all set to clean up and get back to running around the store and touching every stuffed animal possible before picking a book.

The bathroom was gross.  Public restrooms are always a crapshoot.  For instance, I had to take Lucy to the bathroom and Stop and Shop once and it was like walking into the Four Seasons. Seriously...even the painting on the wall was that of an Italian coliseum.  Yet, Barnes and Noble - ugh, gross, dirty, smelly..nightmare.  There was an arrant plunger hanging around and stains from top to bottom.  I almost decided to take them in the car and do it there, but it was 5 Degrees out - that's not a joke.

I sucked it up and told both of them to stay still until I told them to move.  They did pretty good.

John's diaper was a special one.  I am not going into details.  Once he was laying down and the diaper was done I reached in for my wipes.  They were there (they always are). but they were FROZEN.  I don't mean cold.  I mean rock solid.  A complete, white ice log.

I was stuck.  There was no moving.  I had one hand on him and I saw Lucy tempted to duck under the stall and go out into the abyss.

As awful and painful as it must have been I used my ice wipes to scrape John clean.  He was a good sport.  I was traumatized.

I lathered them with sanitizer and they ran away unscathed.  I am still shuttering.

I learn lessons every day.  Today:  Don't leave your diaper bag in the car when it's going to duck below 0.


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