The day the garbage leaked....

Snow days are perfect for eating
cupcakes before dinner, and for
 wearing two different socks
Monday was another snow day for the Hayes household.
Friday I took Colin to daycare, I needed to clean the house.
Today, I just couldn't justify it.  Also, Brian was home too, so it would be easier... right?

It wasn't that bad out, but neither of us could even justify changing into "real" clothes, so we hunkered down and weathered the "storm" indoors.

I have no real transition to my story except that it happened...


Brian was taking out the garbage and as he was lifting it from the garbage can he mentioned that it was leaking a little.  I was really annoyed at the fact that now I would have to clean the garbage can out.  I don't really believe in "boy" jobs and "girl" jobs.  But  you have to understand, garbage is my one THING.  I don't want to see it, I don't want to touch it, I don't want to THINK about it.  I was upfront and VERY honest with this when Brian and I first moved in together.   I can count on one hand the number of times I brought the garbage out in our apartment, and it's only slightly more now that we have a house and a toddler....

Today I not only conquered a fear, I hit a LOW point.

When I heard that the garbage was leaking, I just knew that would involve ME reaching down into the depths of the can and cleaning it out.  It's just not something Brian would ever think of doing.  In fact, the more I reflect upon this, I KNOW it is just not something any man would probably think of doing.

I had wrapped my hand in FOUR plastic shopping bags, reached down, put my sweatshirt over the majority of my face and went for it.  IT HAD TO BE DONE. THIS was the lesser of two evils... I couldn't live for one second knowing there was gross garbage juice on the bottom of the can.
The bottom of the garbage can housed two pieces of chewed gum (I don't like gum.. this gum is not from me, this gum makes me want to die), a banana peel, lots of squishy bits and pieces, and honestly I can't type anymore about it because I'm getting sick thinking about it.

Being a Mom now, I have done many things I have previously said I would not do... this is one of them... but THIS is not why I am writing about it... the BIG DEAL that I referenced earlier was my handsome, wonderful, and man-cold inflicted husband's reaction to my actions.

Like I said: I KNOW it's just not in his DNA for him to want to do this... but he looked at me... and he knows the look I'm talking about... he looked at me and told me I was being ridiculous and that this could wait... (and this is where I will now quote him)  "This can wait until it gets warmer out".

Warmer?  likkkkeeee spring time warmer?  like.... April?  It just started snowing dude... warmer isn't happening for a long time.  Also... it's garbage juice.  I feel like that is enough to justify my actions.

Obviously this would not wait for warmth, and obviously he laughed hysterically at me, with Colin by his side, while I was outside in the snow washing out the garbage can...  Our poor, poor, neighbors, they must really think I'm insane now... (Lauren, I hope you got a real-time sighting of me in the driveway doing this... haha!)

Just know, I know how ridiculous this all sounds, and is... I too was laughing pretty hard at myself..  I had to... but in my eyes it had to happen at that moment.
It was a snow day... and these are the things that mattered today.  :o)

P.S.  Since Brian was classy enough to only LAUGH at me, and not take a picture of me at my lowest point, here is an accurate representation of my feelings towards garbage as told by the comic strip Calvin and Hobbs.


  1. I loved the waiting bit. I mean why do something gross now when your future self can do it all! It reminds me of my nephew potty training. He’s lovely, but the stuff that comes out of him… ugh. As gross as it is you’ve got to get it done. Or be content living in trash heap.

    Dennis Barton @ Chand's Disposal


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