Tales of a Competitive Couple

My husband and I aren't allowed to play cards with each other anymore.  More specifically, in order to stay married and carry on with our vows we can never, never play rummy again.

We are both really competitive.  He is more so (he'd admit it too), but I am not meek - I like to win.

After we first start dating we realized that playing cards and a few other things (like that time he tried to teach me to golf) just were not for us.  The final straw was when he accused me of cheating after I finally (outright) beat him at rummy.  I was fuming - like I'll dump your ass if you say it again kind of mad.  Instead, we just agreed to not compete anymore.

Everything has been going really well.  I mean we have been together for over 12 years..something must be working.

Oh, and I figured out what's working.  We DON'T PLAY GAMES with each other...like ever.

Until we both got fitbits.

I really love my fitbit.  It's the small recognition I get for just how busy I am.  If ever I needed proof of hard I am working, I just look down and realize wow ok, it's only third period and I am more than halfway to my daily goal.  It's a small consolation, but it keeps me motivated and happy.

My husband has one too and he treats it much like he treats his fantasy drafts and that is with near-obsessive detail.  Recently he has started "challenging" me via the app we have to see who can get more steps.

As you can imagine it didn't end well.

When I took the kids for a playdate over the weekend he worked out for over an hour and then walked the dog.  I can't remember the last time I was given a solid hour to workout.  Needless to say there was nothing I could do to catch up with him because I didn't have a solid hour to do much of anything (especially not something just for me).

After a few dirty looks a couple huffs and puffs I let him have his victory.  I mean don't get me wrong I defriended him on fitbit and we will no longer ever do another challenge, but I'll still keep him around.  Who the hell else is going to do the snow-blowing?
*Update, in case I wasn't clear he was sure to tell me he gets thousands of steps when he clears our driveway and four other neighbor's.


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