Thursday Thoughts 10/1

Type. Erase. Type. Erase. Type. Erase.  

Story of my life today.  I have too much floating around in my head to think straight.  I also haven't have more than a few minutes to talk to another adult all week, so anything that I have been wanting to talk about has been pent up!!!  So instead of trying to format a bunch of witty thoughts and organize it into a singular topic, I will create for you a list of the many, many, MANY things that I am currently thinking about.  I mean this is called "Thursday Thoughts" right???  

(click "read more" for the rest of "Thursday Thoughts)

1. Real Housewives of Orange County --  you used to be my favorite.  
I really loved the lavish lifestyle. I defended you.  I mean you guys all lived in Coto "behind the gate".  I got it, I loved it, and I thrived on your drama, but this new girl Megan is ruining my viewing. 

2.  Will it be too dangerous to drive to Mystic on Sunday?
Mystic Aquarium is having a free day for all teachers.  However, isn't the storm planning on heading towards us on Sunday?  I didn't really want to share my day with Joaquin.... he's really messing up my life right now.

3.  I missed the damn Big E -- AGAIN.
Ok well it's not technically over yet, but Joaquin messed up my plans to get the "BigEFlu" today.  I just didn't trust the sky, the weathermen, or the temperature to all be stable enough to make it through the day with Colin in tow.  At least I'm consistent.  10 years running -- no Big E.

4.  Speaking of Joaquin -- 
THIS picture is giving me LIFE!  I don't know who created this, but they are a genius and I bow to them.  I also don't know why I find this so funny.  The hurricane was just upgraded to a Category 4 -- people may be in serious trouble once he his landfall -- I just really love this. 


5.  Dinner --
I have been doing really well with my Crockpot challenge (I'll tell you more about that soon!) but I caved today and had Brian pick up DiBellas.  It feels SOOOO good not to have to think about what to make, then to think about cleaning it all up, then to think about making lunches, then to think about cleaning all of that up.  One sandwich = two meals.  DONE.

6.  BlogHer --
 On a previous blog that I wrote I found a community of posters called BlogHer.  They support women, support bloggers, and  support positivity.  I first heard about them during the month of November -- it was a few years ago and I heard that they had this challenge called "NaBloPoMo".  It stands for "National Blog Posting Month" and during the month of November they challenged the women who were apart of BlogHer, or really anyone with a blog, to commit to writing at least one post per day for the entire month.  They have a sign up sheet, your blog becomes view-able to their larger community, AND because of all this,  it makes you responsible for your commitment.  
When Colleen and I decided to start this blog, I immediately thought of BlogHer.  They now have expanded beyond just the November month, and have a theme for each month of the year.  I thought it would be great if we joined again, and I am excited to get started.  
This month their theme is "Dish"  which I am LOVING since I am on this whole new "crockpot challenge" thing..   


I told you my brain was everywhere! 

As always, thanks for reading!,


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