Step Off

Was inspired today to start a new category for the blog:  Step Off.

Stew Leonard's is awesome - until someone comments
on how many free smoothies you are drinking
Ever since I was pregnant I realized that people (to be honest it's mostly women) feel quite compelled to say things that are not warranted, justified or even remotely solicited.  When I was first pregnant I got a lot of "silly" comments from the kids I teach.  These things never really hurt my feelings or anything, but they are the type of things you know (as an adult) not to ask.  "How much weight have you gained?"  "Are you sure you're not having twins?" "Your feet look weird."  I teach teens, and I know it's a learning curve so it never was a big thing for me.  I really embraced pregnancy (weight gain and all), so I tried to make it a learning opportunity for them and not a reason to put myself down.  

After having kids, these unsolicited comments or worse, advice, has really started to get under my skin.  Case in point:  Today my sisters and I took my kids and my niece to Stew Leonard's for snacks, fun and stimulation (alright, absolute over stimulation).  Lucy took a particular interest in the free smoothie samples they were handing out.  I think she had three.  She loves smoothies because I make them ALL THE TIME.  Auntie Jill took her the third time and she made the monumental error of trying to make polite conversation with the worker.  She said, "I guess Lucy really loves these smoothies" to which the woman replied, "That is usually a sign that they are missing something. She's probably not getting enough fruits and vegetables in her diet".

Come again?
Wait, what?
Who the f*#k do you think you are?

Ok, so I was way farther in the store when my sister told me this occurred.  I had all but turned around to give her a piece of mind when John required my attention. But I also avoid confrontation, so I suppose I'd rather just talk behind her back and blog about it then actually "teacher her a lesson."

However, let's say I did.  Let's say I brought my daughter back and explained what a great eater she is and what great pains I go through to make sure she has well-balanced meals at all times.  I don't think she would have a clue why I was even talking to her.  People who give this advice really don't have a clue they are doing anything wrong.  It's a problem with no solution because (to them) they are being helpful.

Obviously I am still fired up.  Bitch tried to talk about my daughter's diet.  No one can do that.  Ever.  Well, except maybe her pediatrician...

So until they day.  Until you are highly trained, have had years and years of experience and until you know how to approach another person without alienating and judging them, STEP OFF.


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