The Long Weekend

Is there anything better than a long weekend?  Nope... didn't think so, and even though summer reigns king in terms of seasons... anyone from New England knows that Fall is where it's at!  I barf at the thought of pumpkin spice... but I am a sucker for a good pair of sweatpants, Uggs, and a big ole blanket wrapped around me.

What a view for our last weekend in RI.
Fall also means it's time to say goodbye to long and lazy weekends in Rhode Island.  And just as we did last year, the Hayes three along with my parents hit the Cottage one last time.  The weather was gorgeous, minus the drive down.  I don't either my mom or myself ever want to relive that... purple thunder and a very unhappy baby made for a very long two hours and we have never been so happy to pull down Elm Road!

 BUT..... that put NO damper on a weekend full of fun festivities!  We essentially spent the weekend keeping Colin happy, going to all of our favorite places, and eating.  Lots and lots of eating!

Saturday we went to The Umbrella Factory.  I've been going there for as along as I can remember.  It's changed a bit over the years, nowadays it been updated, but the animals are there, and that's what Colin loves.  He chased around quite a few chickens, quacked at the ducks, and told them all "no, no no" with his little finger pointed at them!  I wish I was in his head because I really wonder what he was telling them No about... 

My first big boy slide with Grandpa!
Sunday we went to Clark Farms right down Rt 1 from the Cottage.  This was the REAL highlight!  I have never seen a happier little boy! We took on his first big boy slide, ate so many delicious snacks (fried dough, caramel apples, mini sugar donuts) and went in an amazing dinosaur themed Corn Maze!  The corn maze was intense... the five of us were so focused on Colin and his giggles and smiles and waves that it took us a while to realize we were lost!  We finally had to cut through an "illegal" passage to find our way out!

You know with all of this it's so hard to gauge how a one year old is going to react.  It's difficult for me to not always feel like the other shoe is about to drop.  I know he is having fun and enjoying his self, I'm just always worried that he's hungry or over tired or going to melt down.  That's probably my take away from this entire weekend... reeeeeeeeeelaxxxxxxxxxxxx.  If Colin is having fun... then who cares!  He'll let us know if he's unhappy!  Hindsight is 20/20 as they say... and I had an amazing weekend, and I'm sure you can see from the pictures that Colin did too!

Taking a "bishy bath" in the ole town at Clark Farms!
Hiding from Momma and Daddy in the Corn Maze!

Peek a Boo! with Grammie!



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