Thursday Thoughts 10/15

Displaying image3.JPGDisplaying image4.JPGFree Books!  and Hair!??

 One of the coolest things I found this summer was right in my own 'hood! I've heard of these little free library set ups, but I have never seen one before!  I love it!  I walked by (ran by, carried Colin by, stared longingly from my car) a few times over the summer before I had the chance to actually take my first peek.

There were way more books in there than it looks like! It was two rows deep, and I spent about 10 minutes just looking through what was there. More than a few were beautiful board books for young children, and there were some great titles from some of my favorite writers!  

As the sign says, everything is free, but they hope that if you take a book that you will also leave a book.  I 100% knew this, but was still unprepared!  I didn't have any books, but I found one book that I just had to grab!  It was called, "Sleeping Freshman Never Lie".  I know, I told you.. I HAD to grab it!  As a teacher of Freshman, I thought it was PERFECT for my classroom library!   Not even sure what it's about... I saw a boy asleep on the cover and thought it might just entice ONE of my lovely young gentlemen to read!  
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I have books that I want to drop off this week, and hopefully I'll find a new book to trade!  

p.s.  funnyish story -- When I got to my car and opened the book there was a large hunk of brown hair in the front cover.... I'm still not realllllllllly sure how I feel about this..... I sort of brushed it away and out the window.  It was so random.  I'm just glad I found it, and not one of my freshman!  I'm not letting this deter me, I plan on going to the Library this week with Colin... I will keep you updated on what we trade and find!



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