
It's Monday again - already.  Good thing we have so many women that we admire.

This week I am going to be talking a little bit about trying to stay fit when you work full time and have two toddlers (key word, trying), so I thought maybe I would talk about a badass mom of three.
Kerri Walsh is a three time gold medalist in beach volleyball.  She's also hot.  Her body is amazing and so must be her work ethic.  I am pretty sure she was pregnant in the picture above.  She won a gold medal while carrying a baby in her womb.  Do I really need to go on?
Here's to women who break the "norm."  She is a pro-athlete who makes her living off her physical and mental strength, yet she balances these insane accomplishments while being a mom.  
She makes me think a 30 minute workout a day is probably possible.  
Meet you on the beach someday Kerri? 


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