The Princess

We bow to you.
A little girl's dream come to fruition.  She is amazing in every way.  She's really similar to Amy and me in almost every way:  She's a mother, wife, sister, daughter, college graduate, fashion icon and royalty*.

We love you for your effortless beauty and your ability to snag the man that we literally dreamt of as insanely awkward tweens (well, let's get real..the dreams lasted into early adulthood...well if we're going to be honest, we may have switched our goals to Harry).

If it can't be us, we are glad it's you.  We can't wait to curtsy for you one day - or what is more likely - we can't wait to celebrate the wedding of your son and my daughter and your daughter and Amy's son.


*Right, it gets a little foggy after being educated, but you get the idea.


  1. So excited. Have my dress all picked out. Champagne with crystal overlay


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