Who Needs Who?

This picture doesn't represent his usual state, but for some reason I love it.  Lucy and I tried to trick him by getting him all sleepy in the car and then transferring him into his crib at Memere's.  15 minutes later he woke up and didn't know where he was.  Since I was in the pool it took a few minutes to get to him.  When I walked in the look on his eyes was of pure devastation.  It was as if I had given him up for adoption and his new family hated him.  He was sad and angry and it didn't let up for awhile.  It was sad, but kind of funny.

I talk a lot about how different my two children are.  Often, I realize that it insinuates that Lucy is somehow easier than John.  She always slept better, she appears to need me less and (with the exception of a few brief phases) she listens and wants to be good.  I could say the same about John on many days, but he does seem to need and want me a bit more than Lucy - he always has.  He can be clingy and whiny and he has already had more tantrums than Lucy has and he hasn't even lived for two years.

But good lord is this a sweet boy.  Over the summer he has come to snuggle into me and whisper "I like mommy."  I never ask for it, but he always does it.  Even last night he woke up in the middle of the night after months and months of great sleep and simply said, "Snuggle mommy." You know what, it's 3am and I am tired from a long-ass pool day, but yup, let's snuggle buddy.

So, sure some days are really long - especially after hearing "mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy" but I appreciate his neediness.  It's nice to be needed.


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