Things Moms Do

It's Friday night.  My husband is beat from a long week of work and I am beat after a long week of being home with the kids.  Time to drink a glass of wine blog.

I've realized that at night (when everything is quiet and I can have what I want on the tv and peruse the photos of the day), everything seems perfect.  Like, phew that was an amazing day.  Yet, while you're in the throws of it, sometimes it's hard.  When your kids don't listen or you're tired and already drank your coffee, some minutes can be lonnnggg.

So looking back I see a trail of things I did to get through with a smile.

  1.  Bribery - If you're really good at the dentist you can choose a special treat at the "donut store."  Half vanilla sprinkles and half strawberry sprinkles?  Sure girl - you deserve it!

2.  Planning - Spent close to an hour cleaning, organizing and preparing the kids' playroom.  I set up zoos, farms and this castle filled with different animals doing different things.  Kids showed zero interest in anything I prepared and emptied 3 bins within ten minutes.

3.  Sugar  (see also No. 1) We ate frozen yogurt for lunch.  A reward for good behavior.  Also I just really wanted it.

4.  Trickery - Forget your son's shoes?  Only extra pair is Anna and Elsa light up sneaks? Ok, dude just let it go.

5.  Danger - Keep it fresh - live on the edge of a hospital visit with every new activity.  .


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