Is That Beyonce?

Fresh off a fantastic weekend with beautiful friends (new and old).  We were gone for less than 48 hours, but I felt like I was on a different planet.  Sure we were in Cape Cod and not Mars, but it felt like a brief stop in time (or during many moments a flashback to my "old" life).

These are my top 5 reasons why it is still ok for a 32 year old to go to a bachelorette party and really (REALLY) let loose.

1.   We went to the beach all day, which isn't a rarity for me, BUT it was with adults only.  I was able to relax and do the beach how I used to.  Instead of sand castles and umbrella time, I swam in the waves, had a beach drink and tried to nap.   I read more of my book than collect shells (but I still did both).

2.  I didn't drive the entire weekend. No car seat buckles and no kiddie snacks, no mediating and no toddler tunes.  Better yet, no pressure (safety, caution).  I left that to others.  Mostly to Meg for driving Amy and me down (love you Meg) but
then also a pink-haired van driver and John the Funk Bus driver (more on that later).  They allowed me to snap chat to my hearts content, dance and indulge.  Money well-spent.

3.  I spent time having really meaningful conversations with girls I have known for 20 years.  No silly text conversations BUT really, honest, intimate talks.  While we are at it, it was silent at times too.  Silence is so so sweet, especially when you are with people you know are not judging you for it.  Extra bonus - I heard no whining the whole weekend (a true Christmas miracle).

4.  I made an attempt to avoid clocks over the weekend.  I keep the kids very scheduled - I have seen what happens when I veer and it's not pretty.  So even though we had a basic schedule (when cars came to pick us up to have fun), I just went with it.  In fact on Friday night when we decided to go to the bar at 11:30 my first reaction was to cry.  But I shook it off and had a blast.  It was worth it.

5. We drove around all night in an amazing invention called the Funk Bus.  It was, in essence, a really funky school bus where you could dance and scream and drink and #doyou.  Sometimes it's ok to pretend you're Beyonce, as long as you are completely aware that when the clock strikes 12am 4am you are back to flip-flops, mom hair and sippy cups.


  1. Sounds like you had a fabulous and well deserved time. I'm glad you got to be just YOU if only for 48 hours.

  2. #Lovethis Way to go girl! I felt like Girls weekend for me was the exact same. Sometimes you just gotta LET Loose and it's ok! Glad to see you had an awesome time!


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