The Rehash

Last week............. was it that long ago already???

There are no words to describe the amazing weekend we had celebrating Alissa..  Pictures... yes.  there are lots and lots of pictures but since most of the weekend was dedicated to snapchatting, it's probably good that most of that evidence is "deleted".  

There was rarely a moment where a drink wasn't in our hands, a snack was never more than a few inches from us, and a song was ALWAYS being belted out at FULL volume.  

Everyone was smiling, happy, carefree, uninhibited....

Here are a few of my favorite memories:
1)  Snapchat that!
Colleen and Snapchat might be dating... we're not sure... because every time we looked over she had a different devilish grin, and soon 5 snaps arrived to our phones.  Girlfriend was on FIRE this weekend.  She reaallllly was the Kylie Jenner of the Cape!  There were so many snaps I couldn't keep up, and I mean that in the best way possible!  Secret snaps, embarrassing snaps, late night snaps....     I think it took our friendships to a new and glorious level!
 Oh, and THIS snap is just a snippet of how cool, calm, and collected we were all weekend.  

2)  The Funk Bus.
The wind... oh, the wind.  Any inhibitions we had, flew right out the window, literally!  I saw moves from Colleen that I haven't seen in... well.... ever??   Our Funk Bus driver, John, was a man of true character.  He asked no questions except, "where to next"!!!!  There were NO seatbelts, NO railings, NO safety harnesses... the only thing saving us was our own dance moves, oh, and I also didn't care!!  Except that I was scared Brit was going to fall off the bench seating.  She didn't.... and I'm uber impressed at her strength for staying upright!
     Lastly, I drove around for three days, upon my return to motherhood, with the windows down and the music turned up!  It made me happy, and it made Colin think his mommy has lost her mind!

3) The Beach!
Pink Haired Bus Driver (check)
            Overpacking of Beach Supplies (check)
Sand Dune Hill (check) 
Seal Sighting (check, check, check, check)

It was glorious.  Just a group of girls talking, sipping champs, eating snacks, and frollicking in the water like we had no cares in the world.  The agenda consisted of NOTHING. There were actual full conversations with friends.  Lots of catching up, getting to the little details about our lives.  The drive to the beach was fantastic in so many ways!  Sing a longs, Dunkin Stops, and Naughty water bottles for our bride to rest her head upon.  

I truly can't think of a better way to spend a weekend.  The amount of love, happiness, and FUNK that was felt at the Cape -- all to celebrate our lovely friend -- bring me so much joy.  Drinks and dinner on a weeknight is great, but NOTHING beats a weekend like we had!

Can we do it again next year?  


We can't help but also shout out our amazing husbands who took charge of our little ones so we could Let our hair DOWWWN.  They sent many pictures, always answered calls and texts, annnnnnd they organized play dates together!  Our kids were happy, and healthy, and had a BLAST.  
Brian, Jerry, Marc, Brian... you are our better halves and it's because of you it took us two days to recover from the weekend.... We love you, and we think you are all AWESOME!!


p.s.  Can I hire the Funk Bus to drive me to work???  Can someone research that?? 


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