When an Elderly Man Laughs at You in a Parking Lot.

Today I had just enough time to watch a grocery cart swiftly crash into my car.  Technically I had more than enough time to stop it.  In fact, it was kind of walking parallel to me, but then picked up speed and SMASH.

The reason I couldn't stop it (even though it was bright green and headed for my shiny black car) was because I was holding 5 bags of groceries and two little people's hands.

I went to the local grocery market so that the kids could both get their little carts and make a quick stop fun.  Ok fine, quick stops don't happen anymore, but they did have fun.

I didn't want them bringing the carts in the parking lot, because that would be a disaster (both managed to tip them over in the store a total of three times). So I thought I could grab it all.  I didn't anticipate Lucy wanting to hold my left hand.  It was a really big deal to have the left hand - you know that one I had carefully balanced all the groceries on so I was frazzled when we walked out the "magic doors."

It was then in an altered state of mind that I saw an elderly man leave his cart nearly in front of the doors and walk off.  It started to roll and I couldn't grab it (HELLO I couldn't grab anything..I was even having trouble breathing). My punishment was that it rolled into my car, in front of me while I held onto bags and my kids (Lucy with the left hand).

The kicker was that he watched it happen and then smiled at me.  I am pretty sure he wasn't with it.  I don't think he connected that it that was his cart who caused the trouble.  Maybe he was just smiling at my adorable children? If not, I really have lost faith in the world.

Minimal damage on the car, a fun story to tell Jerry when he gets home.  What's grocery shopping like for you all?


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