How Not to do a Road Trip with Toddlers

I am fresh off a wonderful trip to Maine.  More on how full my heart is later.  For now, let's just quickly recap how awful a 9 hour car ride can go, even when you plan everything right.

For the record Jerry was nervous about the drive.  I naively assumed all would go well.

Since it was a 9+ hour drive we wanted to maximize the kids' sleep/nap time.  Sooooo, Jerry and I woke up at 2:30 am.  The car was packed so we scooped up last minute things and attempted to transfer the kids peacefully.

That damn milk cup.
The kids were so excited that they got up and stayed up.  They wanted to know when we were "at Maine."  John chugged a milk cup about 4 hours too early, but who cares, right?

Well, apparently we should have.  He puked it all up within the first hour of the car ride.  That's right, milk puke on him and the car seat.

We cleaned up as best as we could in the dark, at 4am, off an exit ramp with no stores open.

After 7 hours of torrential downpour and a sour milk odor we arrived in beatiful, fresh-aired, clean Maine.  Well, outside the car was clean - the inside needed a power-wash (that's literal - we hosed it down).

We made it through (Lucy is especially a champ).  We learned yet again that even if you plan and prepare well, there is no way to be totally ready for anything in your way (when travelling with two toddlers).

Tomorrow I'll share some about our trip - more importantly I'll share the new perspective I garnered.


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