The Stuff We Remember.....

Rhode Island has been a sanctuary for my family and I for as long as I can remember.
The beach is literally at our finger tips anytime we want it!  Ice Cream, Bagels, Coffee.... a warm summer wind.

The bonus to heading to Rhode Island is that Colin loves visiting his Grammie and PapaLou.  He'd sit next to his Papa forever, and follow him around, and tell him stories about chickens....

As wonderful and full of memories this trip was..... This trip was challenging for me.  Colin went on a sleep strike.  He usually takes a little bit of time to get down anyways, but this was full blown I WILL NOT SLEEP.  The nights we were there, it was 11:30 before his body finally shut down and he collapsed in my arms.  It's frustrating for me because I require those precious few hours at the end of the night to unwind, and I felt like I had done everything right up to that point to have a smooth nap/bedtime.  He was just too excited, to amped up, and I was too tired to give up and just let him run around outside at 10pm, in the dark, where there are probably monsters.    

He slept well once he was asleep, but the missed hours really took a toll on his behavior.  With each "mine" and "no" and flail of the arms I endured, a piece of my heart died.    I did this to him.  I brought him here.  He doesn't have the words to tell us he's exhausted... although maybe I should have figured it out when he invented a game called "I tired" and he hid under the bed.  (hind sight???)

Colin and Mommy at the
South County Balloon Fest
There were so many great things about this weekend.... and so I texted Colleen late last night with an epiphany.  Well... not really an epiphany for her, because five minutes before I texted her she posted my exact thoughts  (in fact, I deleted my entire first draft of this post because she said everything that I was going to say!).  I told her that as stressed as I had been, when I really thought about it, what was I going to remember from this weekend?  What was the stuff that really matters?  What did I learn?
I learned that I'm not going to remember that he didn't sleep that great; or maybe I will because I have this post to remind me...but.......

Here's the stuff I will remember:

I will remember Colin running around chasing the chickens at The Umbrella Factory!
I will remember 4,568th time Grammie, PapaLou and I all watched Minions with Colin.
Colin's first Dell's
I will remember Ice Cream treats with our best friends "Sissy & JohnJohn"
I will remember PapaLou and Colin watering the grass.
I will remember the JOY on Colin's face when he saw the Carnival lights at the URI Balloon Fest.
I will remember how he drank his very first Dell's Lemonade and finished it!!
I will remember that we split a delicious pulled pork sandwich!
I will remember how Colin and I danced to the music, together!
I will remember the "little beach" and how we played so nice with our friends.
I will remember the little stuffed puppy that Grammie and Colin picked out (and now is our favorite!).
Hi Chickens!!!
I will remember how Colin ran through the large open fields of URI with the biggest smile of his face!
I will remember the Kayak rides that Grammie and PapaLou gave Colin, Lucy, and John.
I will remember Lucy and John yelling HIIII AUNTIE AMY.
I will remember Jerry telling me that "boys will be boys" and getting real comfort in his sentiments.
I will remember the Horseshoe Crab.. the biggest one I've ever seen!


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