You Know You are a Mom of a Toddler When...

My temporary-stay-at-home mom status this summer has been an adventure.  We are currently doing the beach life thing and it is equal parts amazing and tiring.  No complaints here, but I am allowed to yawn right?  Anyways, before we left I got to thinking that much of my identity is tied to the fact that I live with, care for and am attached to two toddlers 24/7.  In case anyone didn't know, I've compiled a list of tell-tale signs.

1.  If you get peed on you just keep going.  This weekend we went to Lake Compounce and while waiting in line for the merry-go-round John peed on me.  Yes, he was wearing a diaper - No I have no clue why it came out more like a flood and less like a stream.  I didn't bring a change of clothes (for me) and they still wanted to go on rides.  What's a mom to do?  Shut up, air dry and keep on trucking. (Sidenote - I didn't even end up showering until 10 that night, oh well).

2. My phone tells me every night my storage is full, but I CAN'T STOP TAKING PICTURES.

3. Everywhere I go I have milk cups and fruit pouches.  Yes, everywhere I go, even places you are not supposed to have them like gymnastics lessons and the library.  There at times I don't need it, but the times I do and don't....WATCH OUT!

5.  I have two phrases that rule my life:  "please stop that" and "good job." Yes, one often follows the other. Even when I am teaching my vocabulary does not change.  I am set in my ways.


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