Guest Post - The Comforts of Home

Kelly is our most featured guest-poster.  In other amazing news she came back to CT!  She's written about being a new mom, mom instincts and going back to work.  Now she's, "home" and starting a new chapter by "staying home" and moving forward with a few of her passions.  I say a few because unlike many people (ok, me) she's good at so many things.  Read on for more...

So I have decided that I am too old to sleep in a sleeping bag on the hardwood floor, even just for one night. Let me back up…

… We decided to make the move from RI to CT to be closer to family. Our house sold in 2 weeks (thank goodness, it was hard to keep picking up all of the toys for showings). We would close after the school year, pack up a truck, move in with my parents’ in CT, and put our stuff in a storage unit. It makes me laugh to think about our whole little house packed into one tiny (ok large) room, I wonder what all of our stuff is doing in there?

The Mayor of Big-Y!
Anyways, the move consisted of me packing up 2 years full of stuff in our first house while Gus napped. In between naps I would nurse, take him and the dog for walks, and let him play usually in an empty box in the room I was sorting. Gus and I had our to do list and we got it done one box at a time. We got in the groove!!! The day before our closing, I lured over our friends with beer, pizza, and promises of furniture we could not fit in our truck. The whole house was packed in a truck (which did not fit 25% of our stuff, curb alert!) parked on the side of my house by 9pm. The only thing left to do was take down Gus’ crib after he napped the next morning… SO that is how I got to the point of sleeping in a sleeping bag on the hardwood floor of my house. “It will be fun,” I said, “just like we did on our honeymoon in those national parks,” I said, “it’s like a sleepover party!!” Well, it was none of that and there were many times that night that I contemplated crawling into Gus’ crib with him. How much weight can a crib hold, anyway? Needless to say Cole and I got no sleep, and Gus slept, well, like a baby. 

Moving day came, we signed the papers, handed over the keys, got in the truck, and started toward CT. And then it hit me. That house was not a house, it was a home. Sure it was 125 years old and completely crooked with a slate floor that never would come clean and no closets to hide our stuff, but it was ours. It was the first one we lived in as a married couple, it was the first one we bought, it was the first one Gus came home to, the first one Gus rolled over in, sat up in, slept through the night in, ate solids in, and the one I took all of that time preparing the nursery so it was just right for baby boy. It was Gus’ home that now belonged to someone else. I cried for a while playing back Gus moments in my head like a movie flashback montage. And then I started thinking about the new memories Gus would make on a floor that he could play marbles on without them all rolling away. The new home Gus will run in, fall down and get booboos in, his newly decorated room, all closer to family. That got me excited.

So we have now been back for just over a month. Gus decided to make his debut crawling a week after we moved in (thank goodness it wasn’t during the move). He is thrilled to hang with Amma and Pa whenever he wants. AND Cole and I actually went on a number of childfree dates!!! (built in babysitting, says Cole) Gus is also the new mayor of the town stealing hearts and waving to everyone as we pass by. It is fun to take him to the parks that I made memories at as a child and to hear him laugh on the same swings on which I used to. His favorite new place is Big Y which we frequent often and always produces the biggest smiles from the Gus man. We have gotten into a routine and are very happy here. This move was the right move. 

a "stay at home mom" has got to support herself somehow!   - yoga happenings and schedules 


  1. It is a nice decision to move before the kids grow up. Now at least once he is grown up he will have memories of whole family being together. I loved this post.


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