Things You Can't Plan For

This morning the kids and I went to breakfast and then went to a local store that has fruits, veggies, some farm animals and cute little Melissa and Doug things.  We go often - it's one of those regular joints you can always add to a morning or afternoon to "stretch it out a bit."

The store connects to a warehouse in the back where they keep flowers and materials.  The doors were left wide open to this area.  John saw it first and noticed three (THREE) little toddler tractors and battery-operated cars.  They were John Deere and Mickey Mouse and were obviously for a little boy just John's age.  It obvious to me that they were for the worker's kids.  You know, they weren't put there for my kids - although in my kids' eyes I hadn't taken them to a little market, I had taken them to Disney World.

I am the adult so I could tell customers probably weren't allowed back there, but to my kids the doors were open and there were toys.  It's a playroom right?

Getting John away from this area was a challenge. Wait, that's a euphemism.  It was nearly impossible. He used all his strength, will-power and tears to get to those tractors.  There was no one in the store, so I wasn't embarrassed, but I also just wanted to get the F out of there.

The cashier was nice, but not helpful.  As I worked on restraining my son and paying for the sticker set Lucy wanted, she asked me, "what does he need?"  I mentioned that he saw the tractors.  In my head I was thinking she'll probably offer for him to drive it for a minute.  Heck it's empty in there, they are for toddlers and there is NO ONE HERE.  Instead she said, oh man did I leave those doors open again, this keeps happening.  She followed up with a story about her own grandson who is a "bull."  Whatever he wants he gets by use of sheer force.   Not sure if she was comparing my son to her grandson, but I don't usually use animals names as pronouns for my kids.  

STEP OFF, give me my stickers and tell me my kids are cute.

I did get the kids out with minor issues.  There were a few tears (easily fixed by getting in the car), but it got me thinking how prepared I am for most issues (boo-boos, accidents, starvation, the apocalypse), yet it's just impossible to be completely prepared.  I guess we could let this feed our fears.  What if he has a tantrum?  What if Lucy doesn't listen?  What if they separate?

I've experienced it all and I am sure I will again.  The only thing worse is being in the house all day every day!! 

Happy Hump Day All!


  1. right you are. We ARE never completely prepared so we do the best we can in each situation and live to fight another day. Sounds like you did a great usual


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