It's Not the Same Without You!

Lucy and John are at the stage where they are starting to fight.  It's kind of cute at the beginning, and then turns immediately un-cute.  Since they are of different sexes I don't have anything to compare it to.  When my sisters and I fought we used really hurtful words until one surrendered.  Sure maybe there was some hitting when we were young, but we knew exactly what to do to get the other one to stop (insult them). Sidenote - Once you tell your sister that she is adopted and that's why she looks different then there is really nowhere else to go from there (that "she" was me and I am still a little shaky on my heritage).  

These two are different.  John is very VERY physical.  I have seen him hit, pinch, slap, push and kick his sister.  It's a cross between not being able to communicate how he wants and being instigated by his sister.  We've had lots of chats and time outs and overall he is doing so much better. 

Lucy's not innocent.  She instigates and she also pushes or pushes back.  She also whines and over-dramatizes little actions (she's my daughter after all).  

They don't fight a lot.  In some ways I think it is because they are interested in different things, so there is little to fight about.  So far this summer I haven't had to do much wrangling (once a dayish?).  In fact, I am increasing the amount of time that I am leaving the room while they play.  I can't go far and I can't go long, but I can go.  It is changing my life!

But then there was this...

We started up gymnastics classes again.  This time John is involved.  I thought it would be good to do something "mommy and me" and since he is so physical, let's "work it out on the mat."  Lucy is big enough to do the big girl's class (no moms allowed).  We are going to the best place Farmington Valley Gymnastics.  They are kind, understanding and flexible.  The place is clean and well-taken care of.  Plus they learn so much in so little time.  We love it.

Well Lucy and John walked into the gym at the same time, but we were quickly separated.  Lucy was not happy, she wanted to stay with us, but I watched her slowly warm up.  About 10 minutes in it was like I was never there to begin with - around and around she went on the floor, the balance beam and the bars.  

But, John, no John was permanently confused.  I could tell he liked the place.  In fact, I know he will love it (probably the last class?).  But today?  Today, John wanted to know where Lucy was.  About every minute 5 minutes John whispered or yelled or cried for "Lucy."  Whatever understanding of what gymnastics was definitely involved Lucy and now here he was with 10 kids he has never seen and mom - just mom.  

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy Lucy  Lucy...LUCY......LUCCCCCYYYYYYY!!!

We peeked at her a couple times.  Once she called over from across the gym to say, "Baby, watch this."  To which John said (and yes you guessed it, "Lucy!").

We got through the class fine.  I wouldn't say I was embarrassed, but I certainly didn't feel like I was bringing home a future gold medalist. 

Yet, I did leave knowing for sure just how much my kids love each other.  That is certainly worth the money and chaos of doing two classes at the same time. 

On the way home Lucy told John that he should try the forward roll next week.  He said, "Ok, Lucy."

Heart melted.  Highlight of my week (and it's only Tuesday).  Pure love.

I guess I can get through a couple scratches, shoves and kicks to get to the good stuff.  


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