What day is it??

Time is slipping through our fingers.
I'm back on the blogging wagon... but I have a good reason for being so absent.

Also -- I was sad and mad and hurt, and I didn't want this post to get deep or dark.  I wanted to stay positive... So... I waited until I felt better!

I think about the blog an an obsessive manner.... but honestly sometimes, life just stops you in your tracks, and you have to take care of everything else... first.

Accurate depiction of me crying at work.
Two weeks ago Brian, Colin, and I were in a pretty bad car accident. The details aren't super important; the car is totaled, and it wasn't our fault.  There were minimal injuries... though it seemed that I took the brunt of them.  I was physically unable to look at a computer for almost two weeks, had to take time away from my job to recover (which is basically unheard of to me).  I cried at work
(in front of students, my peers, my boss) multiple times in a very short period of time.  I was scared to drive, I was scared that Colin had some mysterious internal injury, I was scared that Brian was hurt but trying to be strong.   All of this is unimportant because we are all OK.

In the end all that matters is that we are ok... but I feel very angry that this happened.  I'm not great with letting go of control... and this is sooooooooooooooo far out of our control.
We are dealing with three, yes THREE, different people at our insurance company, (a company I worked at for 4 year might I add).  None of which can answer a question about "the other person's department".

Anyway... anger aside  I'm trying to look on the bright side:

We were saving for a new car: so now we'll have one (hopefully tomorrow or tuesday!)
We are all safe!
My students know that I have emotions besides my "sit down" and "get off your phone" bitchiness, they've now seen me ugly cry....   one class has seen this happen twice in one week.
I also don't remember approximately most of two whole days after it all happened, so now I'm that much closer to summer vacation!


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