
A letter to my sweet sweet sweet friend on Mother’s Day.

You deserve the BEST most amazing Mother’s Day. I mean honestly, who else would let me title a post their AIM instant messenger name without disowning me?

And there are a multitude of sappy reasons why I think you, more so than pretttttyyy much any other mommy I know, deserves this day of celebrations.

The truth is though, that I honestly do not think that I would have been brave enough to be a Mommy without you.   Motherhood was a journey you always knew you would take…  But it scared me too much. 
Colleen took on motherhood like a rock star.  Things that would have overwhelmed me and terrified others never showed their face in our conversations. Colleen taught me that the scary stuff is what prepares us for motherhood.  The tough parts of preparing for a baby are life’s way of showing us what’s to come; showing us that we are ready, we are able, and those little fingers and little toes will make it all worth it.

Once Lucy arrived, I felt like my heart would just literally fall out of my body.  I feel a seriously strong connection to Lucy.  (awkward reference to Twilight here,  but I would liken it to “imprinting”, haha)   It’s actually VERY hard to put into words.  I didn’t carry her, I didn’t birth her… but a part of my heart was stolen from me the moment she was born.

Through motherhood Colleen taught me that babies are cute and not scary.  They CAN be calmed, they show love in ways you cannot imagine, that breastfeeding isn’t the worst (ok, no, it totally is… unless you want to talk about pumping.. pumping is the actual worst).  She taught me that getting pooped on can be cool!  Lucy was the first baby to poop on me, and I’m obsessed with that.  She taught me that Mom’s can be fun, and fearless.   But most of all… She taught me that it’s all worth it.   And thankfully so.

Colleen puts Lucy and John before anything else in her life.  She shows true selflessness and sacrifice.  And she does this, mind you, without the help of a 58 minute Winnie the Pooh Netflix movie (I, sadly, can’t make the same claim).

So, Colleen,  today you HAVE to listen to me – from one mommy to another  -- Kick back and “Netflix and Chill” Mommy style -- (alone, with wine, under the covers!) 

Amy Lynn


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