
I should've titled this:  things that get me through the day.

Anyone who knows me knows I love being a mom.  I also still really love teaching.  Both of these "jobs" are fulfilling and oh so important.  Both of them could also be equally challenging, frustrating and just plain exhausting.  But here I am on Saturday night...I made it another week.  I must be doing something right (or just doing the same thing over and over again to the point that I am delusional).

So this is how I get through:

1.  My 4pm coffee.  No one gets in the way of my afternoon coffee.  Ever.

2.  The nights I don't wash my hair. I wash it every other night (even when working out).  I know it's better for my hair and it gives me 30 more minutes (no blow dry or straighten).  30 precious moments that I can fit in a Watch Happens Live episode or more likely get more cleaning or grading done.

3.  My no daycare drop off days.  Since my moms come to me twice a week I don't have to wake up sleepy kids and get them in outfits for the day.  They can wake when they want...which is always at 6:30, but there is no hustle and bustle.

Chocolate.  Chocolate also helps a lot -
even if it is in "raw" form.  
4.  Podcasts.  Since I don't have much time for tv I listen to podcasts.  I listen to them while I clean, make lunches, fold laundry and shop.  This little pleasure proves just how nerdy I am - I don't care.   My favorite podcasts are: DeathSexMoney, Serial, Here's The Thing, Embedded and Beautiful Anonymous.

5. Thinking of summer.  I know this is a survival technique because I think about it out loud. "In a couple weeks we can take a shower outside at Nana's cottage."  "Soon we can practice swimming at Memere's".  "In June we can sleep until 10 in the morning..." If I say it out loud it will happen right?

6.  Silence.  Silence is hard to come by these days so any quiet is precious and so appreciated.  It is especially nice not having to talk at all...who knew I could get so sick of hearing myself talk?

Wondering how you all get through the week (or day or hour)?  Anyone got anything I can borrow?


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