Summer Shade

So I allowed myself to think it was summer this weekend.  It didn't help that it actually, physically did feel like summer.  90 degrees, sun, humidity and it's a CT heat wave. Jerry and I talked about finally purchasing that central air unit...when you plant a tree in this heat it makes any amount of money
worth it!

My dreams will coming crashing down at 5:30 am tomorrow.

But for now, I'll pretend that I don't have 125 essays to grade, that I don't have to make lunches for tomorrow, that we don't have 8 daycare days left (who's counting???), that I don't have to motivate teens who were done circa 10 days ago to write me beautiful essays (or write anything at all)...

and I'll just think of this girl doing her flamingo pose at the ocean with a perfect breeze.

She's my motivation.  (John is too, he's just harder to get good pics of).

Hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day weekend!


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