What are those!?

What are those?
Those are the bags under my eyes because my mini me woke up at 3am today.  FOR THE DAY.

Here I am... writing my post...looking so put
together... looking so well rested... looking
so much like a super mom!  Check out Colin
watching Pooh....   Happy Friday!
My regular Friday order of Sushi should
be here any minute!  # REALLIFE
What are those??
Those are the same pants I wore yesterday... because there aren't enough hours in the week to do the amount of laundry I have...  I was just hoping you wouldn't notice (or would be polite enough not to say anything).

What are those???
Those are my split ends!  No I didn't get my hair cut.. in fact, I have only had my hair cut only twice since I became pregnant with Colin... TWO YEARS AGO. 

What are THOSE????
Those are my new workout clothes....  oh and I didn't find out until AFTER I was doing a full on lunge and squat-fest at the gym that they are 100000% see through.    Wonder how many peoples snapchat stories my huge ass is on..... 

Those are all real things that happened or were said to me this week.  This is the glamorous life my friends.  GLAM-OR-OUS. 

Colleen, Megan, My Mom, Kristina, and basically EVERYONE else I know that's a teacher, started vacation today.... I have seven more days.... 5 of which require me to shower, and put on real people clothes.  I'm not bitter...  not at all.....  (hate you all/love you all)

Not one to dwell on the negative though...
 Here are some fabulous things that occurred this week that gave ME joy!
1)  I got not one but TWO Kylie LipKits   because I'm a basic bitch and I need an intervention.
2)  I got out of the house Tuesday (for an HOUR) to see my cousin Cammie's art work be displayed at the New Britain Museum of Art! She's the best!!!!!!!!!!  (and I managed to sneak up to the Salvador Dali exhibit (lots of Alice in Wonderland sketches!!!!) 
3)  I had a personal day Wednesday.  
4)  Real Housewives of New York  is backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.  I needed my Countess and my Bethenny.
5)  I caught up on GIRLS and on SCANDAL.  OMG OMG OMG  
     (Lena Dunham's full frontal and her response to it.... I just can't... also... many people have 
told me that I remind them of Hanna Horvath....  hopefully not in THAT scene! haha also hopefully that's a compliment because she can be awful!)

Hope everyone that is on vacation next week LOVES every second.
Hope everyone who isn't on vacation next week LOVES every second as well. 

Happy Friday to my very favorites!


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