Less Whip, More Dye

I was pleasantly surprised that my husband had the day off this year and I had planned for it to be the best "good" Friday it could be.  This involved a run to the toy store, visiting with Nana's brand-new puppy, outside play and of course Easter egg dying.  (You can get all of this done in one day - plus more- if your son refuses to nap).

As opposed to doing it the standard, traditional, without-a-doubt successful way (you know buying a package from Walgreens and dropping the eggs in a cup) I decided to do it the Pinterest way (the trendy, fun and sure-to-fail way).

We did cool-whip egg dying.  I thought it would be fun and cleaner (I literally have no idea why I thought this - 100 wipes later...).  The process was so fun.  It was one of the few crafts that I have done where both kids have held an equal interest.  John and Lou are so different that keeping them focused on the same activity has been a challenge.  Turns out cool-whip makes anyone happy - especially since we did it at 7:30 am.

So fun it was, successful it was not.  I made the error of using half a tub too much of cool-whip.  That made it yummy and fun to use, but all the dye in the world wouldn't make it bright enough.  So, even though we let them sit over night...

They still came out like this:

I like to call it "subtle pastels".  My husband called them "exactly the same as when you bought them".  So off to Walgreens to get a package to re-dye them.

"Can't you do things the easy way?" No, Jerry I am actually incapable.

Hoping everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend.


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