Driving with the Windows Open

It's been a week filled with extra work obligations...meetings, conferences, grading, long hours, tired mama.

Yet, the weather changed and for the first week in a long time both my kids were completely healthy (excluding two nights of coughing that I thought would turn into croup but ended up being just a tickle in the throat).  So, even though I was running on empty, I got through.  

The whole week the kids just wanted to go outside.  When  I did get home we got rid of our shoes, wore short sleeves and just played.  No walls, no music, no screens, no play dough.  No crying, no whining, no boo-boos (well not many at least).
Instead, lots of bubbles and chalk and giggles.

Turns out chalk is more fun when you get it wet and use it as paint on your playhouse.  She could've done this for an hour and we almost did...

It's that some of us like crafting better than others.  Caught you red handed, as per usual.


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