What did you just say!?

Human Anatomy 101. 

What a glorious day we had on Sunday (last Sunday, as in a week ago, yeah, I'm a little delayed.)

We played in the snow, we made a fort, we had bagels!!!  And that was allllll before we went to see Daniel Tiger, LIVE!  
I was super nervous because our last adventure like this, the Polar Express Train, was a very expensive mistake. Colin spent the entire train ride being terrified of the singing -- he was shaking, and asking to go home.  I don't know if that was the timing (dinner time, right from daycare), or the overwhelming amount of sounds.... but he just didn't take to it.... (honestly, I was always weirded out by Santa... so I get it dude!)

Howwwwever --- Daniel Tiger could not have gone any better!!! He laughed, he sang, he danced!!!  He was happy, and I cried basically the entire time because my baby is not a baby anymore!! 

That's all great, yay for progress & yay for Toddler Sundays; but that's not why I'm writing. 

On the walk into the Bushnell, Colin was so excited.  We were holding hands and walking towards the building with the hordes of other families.  Colin was chattering away, and I was listening.... but I wasn't listening..... I was doing that mom thing where you nod your head, you smile, and you think about one of the many things you probably forgot to do before you left the house.
  Honesty, when I heard Colin happily hopping along holding my hand, I heard him -- but I don't HEAR him. 

That is until my brain registers what he's "singing". 

He's singing-- at the top of his lungs--   MOMMY HAS A VAGINA!!!! 


That's my kid.  Classy AF. 

The 30 strangers around us, also walking into the Family Friendly Daniel Tiger, were lovely and pretended not to hear. But I felt those parents internal LOL's. 

I was crying with embarrassment and hysterics (as was my sister and my mother....)

There's no moral or lesson to this story. It was just too funny not to share.   

So, yes, Mommy has a vagina.... thank you very much.


  1. Hysterical! And he loved his song! He was belting it out and laughing. It certainly got us in a seriously silly mood and ready for fun. He was so cute, with that Devilish smile. He knew we knew. Hilarious


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