No Dear, the Ground is NOT Frozen

Yesterday, I fixed the garbage disposal (which I also broke, but that's not important), I also planted a tree (which Jerry says is bound to die) and then soothed a broken-hearted little boy.  So thankful for
this day off.

If this garbage disposal really broke then it would be the second I broke in four years - not a good record.  So even though Jerry was pretty much resigned to the fact that the thing was done, I took another look.  Yes, I fixed a garbage disposal while two toddlers ate breakfast (and yes my life and pride depended on it).

After some research (one youtube video) and my husband telling me it would never work - I took my kids outside in the middle of January and planted a tree.  More specifically, I replanted our beautiful Christmas tree.   On the outside I am playing it cool - if it dies at least I tried.  Inside?  Inside I am begging mother nature to give me this one.

Today I had some playdates set for my kids.  Both of them were kind of unsolicited, but welcomed with open arms!  Lucy's was at a neighbor's and went smoothly, besides the tears I needed to wipe away when she left without me (dramaaaaaa).  But poor John's got cancelled.  When I broke it to him he let his bottom lip droop and said, "why?"  There were a lot of reasons, of which none would make sense or make any difference to him.  So after a minute or two of gentle reminders about how awesome he is I asked, "Do you want to get new lollipops?"

Mom for the win.


  1. Our neighbor planted the top half of the tree last year. It is doing well. Keep the faith. Garbage disposals can be fixed by any woman. I have broken enough in my lifetime. You tube makes it easier to hide the fact I jammed or broken it,

    1. I felt like superwoman yesterday!!! Thanks for the love! Keep your fingers crossed for my beautiful tree!


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