3 Day Weekend Status

Is there anything better than a Friday night on the verge of a three-day weekend?  Add in a Peapod delivery, a great volleyball game and a movie night with your kids and nope, there's not.

September was a busy, trying month, but I suppose a successful one.  Wake ups are easy, the hustle and bustle is still busy, but it's a new normal.

Now that we are all in a new routine, I look at my kids, my house and my classroom and I think, what next?  There are always things to do in the house, in fact (I hope like you) I look at walls that could use new paint, bathrooms that could be re-done and of course the daily cleaning that I try but fail to get to.  My classroom is a work in progress always.  My kids?  Well, they were born perfect, but it's time for a few adjustments.

Mainly it's time to get haircuts, dentist appointments and it's time for us to think about getting John a big boy bed and not his crib.  And with Lucy?  Jerry and I are still just trying to adjust to the fact that she is 3 going on 15.

Thought I could also check off one more thing on the to-do list.  John is ready for real potty training.  I've been doing it for months, but I am ready for a deadline.  Three day weekends are not just for relaxing (who does that anyways), they are also for cold-turkey potty training.

Am I ready?   So ready.

Is he ready?  See for yourself....


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